Latest articles and news for January 8, 2024


If you dream of traveling, but simply can't start, then it's not always because you have no opportunity to do so – many people are just afraid! Traveling can bring lots of amazing experiences, but it can also be a bit scary, especially if you want to travel alone.

travel fears experience self-love mental health Psychology

White painted walls can be perfect for minimalistic and spacious interior designs, but they are generally harder to maintain clean. If you have kids or pets, or just are a bit careless sometimes, then you can easily leave dark spots on them.

white interior wall paint cleaning spots tips Housekeeping

House remodeling can be a long and exhausting process, and even small makeovers can take lots of effort. If you want your bedroom makeover to be easy and enjoyable for you, then you need to plan everything well.

bedroom house remodeling house makeover ideas design House Design

We recommend that you choose this option if you do not want to change your shower head every 2-3 years.

bathroom shower cleaning cleaning tips housekeeping tips Housekeeping

A recent experiment with mice suggests that reducing the amount of an amino acid called isoleucine in their diet can have several benefits. The mice had longer lifespans, became leaner and less frail as they aged, and had reduced risks of cancer and prostate problems.

lab mice research amino acid health food Animals

To illuminate a bathroom, lamps with a brightness of up to 200 lumens per square meter of area are sufficient.

bathroom interior interior tips design tips lighting House Design

If you want to grow some healing herbs, then you don't even have to have a garden to do it – your windowsill is just enough! Herbs require some specific conditions to thrive, but they are generally easy to grow, even indoors.

healing herbs gardening tips growing herbs tips Garden

In wild nature, there are lots of amazing birds and animals that demonstrate surprising skills and adaptations. For example, swifts are amazing flyers, and they have some other skills that make them interesting to learn about.

bird facts swifts animal adaptation wildlife skills Animals

The most common explanation is a worn o-ring. If the faucet drips after closing, this may be due to the fact that the ring does not provide proper tightness.

bathroom renovation housekeeping mistakes housekeeping tips Housekeeping

If you experience constant stress because you don't have time to do everything you've planned, then it's a sign that you have to change something. Planning and time management can transform your life completely, so it's definitely a worth-learning skill.

time management productivity work self-control tips Psychology

Light-colored floors can look absolutely amazing, but they require regular cleaning, or they will become dirty quickly. On rainy days, you can leave dirty footprints almost immediately, and it's usually better to clean them as soon as possible.

footprints cleaning tips light floor washing maintenance Housekeeping

Australia's animals are diverse and very different from those found on other continents.

nature wildlife wild nature wild animals facts Animals

If you use your laptop as your main computer, then you might need a convenient workspace to be more productive and concentrated. Laptops need less space than desktop computers, so you can easily create a small but convenient workplace at home.

laptop interior tips work place productivity tips House Design

Social anxiety is a state of emotional discomfort, fear, apprehension and worry regarding a social situation and evaluation by other people.

mental health health society anxiety psychotherapy psychologist tips Psychology

The role of insects in nature is the destruction of forest pests, pollination of most plants on Earth, and participation in the cycle of substances in nature.

nature wild nature insects garden insects facts Animals

If you want your garden to smell like heaven, then try growing bird cherries – it's a beautiful plant with a nice fragrance that can suit your garden well! This plant isn't just beautiful – it also has some benefits, so it might be a generally great idea to grow it.

bird cherry gardening tips trees plants growing Garden

When we're really hungry and want to eat a lot, our brain actually uses our sense of taste to stop us from going overboard.  A group of scientists found that when we taste food, a specific set of brain cells immediately pay attention and help us eat in moderation. 

research eating habits healthy diet food bite Kitchen

Anxiety is an emotion that occurs in response to thoughts about possible threats; a tool of the self-preservation instinct. Anxious thoughts originate in the amygdala, two small parts of the brain located in the temporal lobes, one each on the right and left.

anxiety health mental health health facts psychotherapy Psychology

From all birds, seagulls are well-known for their reckless behavior and constant attempts to steal your food. If you want to spend a nice day outside, or have a picnic, then you have to think about protecting your food in advance.

seagulls food protection bird facts wild nature Animals

Tapioca balls are used in cooking as a substitute for cereals. They are used to season soups, prepare side dishes and porridge, and add to sweet and savory dishes. They make delicious hypoallergenic puddings, drinks, cocktails and even teas.

drinks food health health facts food facts cooking Kitchen