Latest articles and news for January 25, 2024


If you wear basically one pair of boots or shoes daily, then you might notice some new holes in it soon. Sometimes these holes are quite easy to notice, but sometimes it might be hard to see them until you step in a pool.

footwear care holes boots maintenance clothing care Housekeeping

Garden beds are essential for your garden plants – not only because they might make your garden look better, but also because they affect many things. A good garden bed can help you take better care of your flowers, and it might also affect how healthy they are.

garden beds gardening tips roses planting flowers Garden

When creating a cozy living room interior, lots of people want to add a fireplace for its warmth and coziness. Nowadays, it's way easier to install an electric fireplace than a regular one, and it will look almost as good as a real one.

interior tips fireplace electrical appliances choosing installation House Design

In winter, our bodies often lack not only vitamin D from sunlight, but also lots of vitamins and nutrients from various foods. While different kinds of food are available all year long, our food preferences might change during the year, which can affect your health.

fruits nutrition facts winter diet vitamins food Kitchen

We recommend using products with soft natural bristles. At the end of the preparatory work, wipe the surface of the shoes with a damp cloth.

shoes shoe care cleaning cleaning tips Housekeeping

A good solution for your home is high-quality metal-plastic windows. Even with minimal thickness, they will protect against cold, drafts, dust and noise.

windows materials interior interior tips House Design

Rhinoceros beetles are one of the most distinctive beetles in the world – their jet black color and horns are quite easy to remember. Besides their distinctive looks, they have lots of other interesting features about them.

insect facts beetles rhinoceros beetle nature facts Animals

Starting kindergarten is a big deal for kids, and a new study tells us that how well they adapt during the first few months is super important for their success. Researchers discovered that kids who made a smooth transition in the first 10-14 weeks of kindergarten scored higher on tests for both school subjects and social skills at the end of the year.

research kindergarten child development child behavior intelligence Psychology

When choosing a method to clean a greasy kitchen floor, it is recommended to use products that everyone has, for example, vinegar.

kitchen cleaning cleaning tips old stains House Design

If your shoes get wet, then you should dry them as soon as you come home, so you won't damage them. Leaving them wet can lead to material damage, bad smells, or even mold appearing inside.

footwear care drying clothing care tips maintenance Housekeeping

If you want to create a cozy and classic atmosphere in your living room, then you might probably like a rocking chair! These chairs can add lots of comfort to your house and create a special comforting place for you.

interior tips furniture choosing rocking chair tips House Design

Currently, the hippopotamus lives only in sub-Saharan Africa.

nature wild animals wild nature animal facts Animals

If you have tall trees in your garden, then there's always a chance that it can get struck with lightning.  Sometimes it can be quite dangerous, because it can turn into a big fire, and even after the tree might be unsafe.

lightning gardening tips fruit trees damage danger Garden

The most common problems among older people that can cause depression are the loss of a spouse or other loved one, health problems, primarily diseases that limit physical activity and the ability to self-care, and diseases of the nervous system.

mental health health facts life happiness Psychology

If you're not home all day, you probably shouldn't get a puppy.

pets dogs animal care pets facts Animals

Human body needs lots of elements and vitamins to stay healthy and functional, and iron is one of them. A person with a diverse and healthy diet can easily get all it needs from its food, but if your diet is imbalanced, then your body might lack iron.

iron nutrition facts healthy food nutrients food Kitchen

Psychological trauma is a dangerous, shocking event that disrupts emotional balance and threatens life. A child injury would be one that occurred before the age of 18. It is important to distinguish psychological trauma from stress.

childhood child development mental health health facts Psychology

Not only animals, but also insects can be impressively strong – especially when you remember their tiny size! Some of them can carry way more than their own weight, which is quite impressive for their body structure and weight.

insects insect facts animal facts nature beetles Animals

Vitamins A, B6, C, E and D are most important for the proper functioning of the immune system.

health health facts healthy food immune system Kitchen

The way and circumstances we were raised into affect us a lot, and these effects can shape our whole lives. For example, people from poor and dysfunctional backgrounds tend to process rewards differently from people who were raised in perfect conditions.

research social status education neighbors socioeconomic conditions Psychology