Latest articles and news for January 28, 2024


If you want to reduce your sugar intake, then you should be very careful with what and how much you eat. In most cases, it's not enough to cut off sweets and sugary drinks – there are plenty of other foods that are full of hidden sugars.

sugar nutrition facts healthy food food dieting Kitchen

Due to the large amount of capsaicin, pepper fruits have a powerful antibacterial and antiviral effect - they kill up to 75% of harmful bacteria.

peppers hot pepper health health facts facts Kitchen

Education experts suggest that boosting student outcomes involves focusing on high engagement in the learning process. A recent experiment revealed that less than a third of teachers are currently involving students in complex learning activities that foster critical thinking and problem-solving.

research education child development intelligence cognitive skills Psychology

Blackberries produce especially sweet and large berries in the sun. Blackberries grow best in fertile, sometimes sandy, moist soils.

berries gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden

You can only brush your cat’s teeth with a special toothpaste: human toothpastes or baking soda are prohibited.

pets cats pets facts animal care Animals

When cleaning or taking care of your clothes, it's not enough to remember all the nuances – drying them also means a lot. By drying your favorite items incorrectly, you can cause lots of damage and ruin them.

clothing care drying laundry mistakes clothes Housekeeping

According to scientists, going to bed and getting up early is the most physiological way, allowing the nervous system to recover as much as possible and be the most productive during the day.

mental health sleep sleep patterns sleep routine Psychology

When you're creative, everything can become a part of your interior design – even the simplest things! For example, hangers can be transformed into an installation, or just being presented creatively.

hangers interior tips home decor creativity ideas House Design

A dog trainer will help you raise your puppy into a well-educated and trained dog that will delight you with its behavior and execution of commands, as well as correct the unwanted behavior of an adult dog.

pets dogs animal facts pets facts Animals

The following signs indicate the presence of psychological stress in a child: Emotional instability - easy crying, irritability, touchiness, anxiety, uncertainty in actions, inconsistency in actions, moodiness, fears.

children children safety child development mental health Psychology

After long and cold winter months, your garden soil might need some extra effort from you to be ready for plants. While some regions have pretty mild winters, there are still some types of work that has to be done.

garden soil spring garden work tips planting Garden

This is a traditional oriental delicacy that tastes like a cross between champignons and porcini mushrooms. Shiitake is actively used not only for preparing Japanese dishes.

mushrooms healthy food food food facts Kitchen

Being an originally Italian food, pizza is now extremely popular all over the world, including the USA. While traveling all over the world, the recipe has been changed a few times, so different regions present completely different types of pizza.

pizza italian cuisine american cuisine food differences Kitchen

Domestic species need bright and diffused light, but can also tolerate shade.

plants gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden

When choosing main and accent colors for their interior designs, people often use bright and clean shades – and they often ruin their designs. While professional designers often use bright colors too, they tend to choose different shades, so their designs look generally better.

interior tips color choice shades style mistakes House Design

We can't become mature immediately – it takes time to become more responsible and learn our lessons in life. New research, recently published in Nature Communications, presents convincing evidence indicating that executive function, a cluster of cognitive skills essential for tasks such as planning, task-switching, resisting distractions, and sustaining focus, typically reaches maturity around the age of 18.

research maturity social skills responsibility character traits Psychology

Funchoza is a healthy and low-calorie product.

healthy food food health health facts Kitchen

Indoor spruce blooms and bears fruit only in natural conditions; you won’t be able to taste its edible seeds from cones at home.

plants gardening gardening tips plants care Garden

From all types of pests, bed bugs can be one of the most unpleasant ones, being even worse than roaches. They can cause lots of damage, and they are extremely hard to get rid of – some people even say that it's almost impossible.

bed bugs pests cleaning tips infestation insects Housekeeping

Carpets can make basically every part of your house cozy and cute, but it doesn't mean that you should put them there. The main reason why it can be a bad idea is that they are often pretty hard to clean.

rugs carpet interior tips interior mistakes floors House Design