

If you want your spices to be actually fresh, delicious, and full of flavors, then you can try growing them by yourself! The best thing about spices is that most of them are relatively low-maintenance, so you can grow them in different types of climate and weather conditions.

spices gardening tips growing plants planting Garden January 22, 2024

If you want to grow some healing herbs, then you don't even have to have a garden to do it – your windowsill is just enough! Herbs require some specific conditions to thrive, but they are generally easy to grow, even indoors.

healing herbs gardening tips growing tips Garden January 8, 2024

If you love rearranging your garden regularly, then you should choose plants that can handle transplantations well. While some gentle plants can be easily damaged, other plants can handle transplantations relatively well.

gardening tips transplant plants tips flowers Garden December 30, 2023

If you want to create a little garden indoors, then you should probably start from something simple that is easy to take care of. One of the best options you can choose is growing herbs, because they are resilient, low-maintenance, and pretty useful.

gardening planting tips Garden November 6, 2023

Unlike lavender oil, sage oil has a stronger and fresher spicy aroma with hints of camphor, pine and green herbs.

tea health cooking Kitchen October 7, 2023

If you want to help your plants to grow faster and healthier, then you can use herbal infusions - an eco-friendly alternative for garden chemicals. These infusions can be versatile, and they are actually effective - that's why gardeners have been using them for centuries now.

infusion gardening tips Garden October 1, 2023

The plant prefers a well-lit place. The soil should be light, without stagnant moisture. At high humidity, the aroma of tarragon is lost, and growth slows down on heavy, clay soil.

spices gardening gardening tips Garden September 27, 2023

Mullein (Verbascum) is a plant that has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive problems, respiratory problems, and skin conditions.

tea drinks health Kitchen September 21, 2023
salmon with herbs

Researchers at Penn State have discovered a way to make popular American foods healthier without sacrificing taste. They replaced excess saturated fats, sugar, and salt in these foods with healthy herbs and spices.

research health fats spices Kitchen September 15, 2023

If you are bored with your food and want to make it more exotic, then you don't have to try complicated recipes with hard-to-find ingredients. Adding an exotic touch to your dishes can be simple and fun. 

cooking food tips Kitchen August 25, 2023

Coriander and cilantro are the same plant and have completely different flavors and culinary uses. Cilantro is added to salads, soups, fatty meat dishes.

gardening plants tips Garden August 25, 2023
herbs seasoning

Drying herbs is a common method of preserving their flavors for use in cooking.  While the flavor of some herbs intensifies when dried, others may lose some of their potency. 

seasoning cooking Kitchen August 18, 2023

Turmeric root is part of a monocotyledonous herbaceous plant from the Ginger family, the root of which contains a yellow dye and essential oils. The root is dried, ground to a powder and used as a seasoning. Turmeric is an ingredient in curry spices.

spices gardening gardening tips Garden August 17, 2023

Marjoram is perhaps one of the most popular spices in the world.

plants gardening plants tips plants care Garden August 16, 2023

Dried rosemary is added to salads, soups, side dishes of potatoes and pasta, baked goods, flavored with tinctures and soft drinks. It goes well with meat (especially lamb) and poultry.

gardening gardening tips plants care Garden August 11, 2023

Growing herbs indoors can be a convenient and rewarding way to have fresh herbs at hand throughout the year, especially in regions with harsh weather conditions or limited outdoor space.  Some herbs are particularly well-suited for indoor cultivation due to their adaptability to indoor environments and relatively lower maintenance needs. 

plants indoors Garden July 30, 2023

For beginners, certain garden plants can be more challenging to grow due to their specific care requirements and sensitivity to environmental conditions.  If you're a beginner, then they might be too much for you to take care of.

plants ferns Garden July 29, 2023

Basil is a fragrant herb that is easy to grow on your own. In the article we will tell you how the product is useful for human health.

basil vitamins health facts Kitchen July 22, 2023

Adding herbs at the end of the cooking process is a common culinary practice that enhances the flavor, aroma, and visual appeal of a dish.  While it seems that you should add them in the very beginning, so other components can get more flavor and aroma, it's not true.

cooking tips cooking seasoning Kitchen July 21, 2023

Sowing coriander (or cilantro, or bedbug, or intestines, or Chinese parsley) is an annual plant from the Celery family. It has a very strong aroma that can be felt from a distance from where it grows.

plants gardening plants tips Garden July 16, 2023