Good to Know: What Are Insects For - Amazing Nature

08.01.2024 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The role of insects in nature is the destruction of forest pests, pollination of most plants on Earth, and participation in the cycle of substances in nature.

Why are insects needed in nature

Insects are part of the food supply of a huge number of animals. Starting from birds to, for example, bears, everyone includes in their menu from a few pieces to several hundred insects in one day!

An irreplaceable part of the food chain, what can you do Insects are consumers - organisms that consume ready-made organic substances) and also participate in soil formation processes.

Why are insects important to plants

It helps garden plants to pollinate, which has a positive effect on the ecosystem.

But there is a class of insect pests. They have a detrimental effect on garden plants and destroy them.These pests include aphids.


They help with pollination, without which plants could not reproduce, they prevent pests from destroying plants, and they keep soils healthy.

Unfortunately, the number of beneficial insects has decreased by 80 percent over the past 25 to 30 years.

Climate change, especially warm winter periods, appears to be a major factor in fluctuations in insect biomass in Europe.

Previously, we talked about huskies.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why are insects needed in nature
  2. Why are insects important to plants