

Stress negatively affects both physical and mental health of a person. In this article, we will tell you what causes changes in weight.

Diana Dashkevich stress weight body weight mental health Psychology 9 April 2024

It is right before bed that anxious thoughts often arise. In this article, we will tell you why this happens and how you can solve this problem.

Diana Dashkevich sleep sleep patterns sleep routine insomnia Psychology 26 March 2024

Chronic stress is the occurrence of a negative reaction of the body in response to prolonged exposure to unfavorable conditions. Prolonged stress can be recognized by both physical and psychological symptoms.

Diana Dashkevich stress mental health health facts Psychology 24 January 2024

A recent study suggests that people who have experienced abuse may face more physical and mental health challenges than previously believed. Researchers conducted a global review and meta-analysis, examining evidence related to intimate partner violence and even childhood sexual abuse.

Kate Yakimchuk research child abuse children safety stress trauma Psychology 21 January 2024

Caffeine is rightfully considered one of the best natural stimulants. It reduces the feeling of fatigue, increases attention and improves mood. The main sources of this substance are coffee, tea, mate and chocolate.

Diana Dashkevich coffee stress health facts mental health Psychology 19 January 2024

Scientists are studying panic attacks to understand how they happen in the brain. They found a brain circuit that is tied to panic disorder.

Kate Yakimchuk research panic attack brain activity fears Psychology 17 January 2024

The term “high-functioning anxiety” applies to individuals who have symptoms of anxiety while maintaining a high level of functionality in various aspects of their lives.

Diana Dashkevich menta health gardening tips fun facts Psychology 16 January 2024

Social anxiety is a state of emotional discomfort, fear, apprehension and worry regarding a social situation and evaluation by other people.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health society psychotherapy psychologist tips Psychology 8 January 2024

Anxiety is an emotion that occurs in response to thoughts about possible threats; a tool of the self-preservation instinct. Anxious thoughts originate in the amygdala, two small parts of the brain located in the temporal lobes, one each on the right and left.

Diana Dashkevich health mental health health facts psychotherapy Psychology 8 January 2024

You've probably heard that spending time outdoors is good for you - and it's true! It's not only good for your general health, but also for your mental health, and it can be quite beneficial.

Kate Yakimchuk nature mental health self care stress Psychology 1 January 2024

Regularly sleeping less than 5 hours a night can increase the risk of developing various depressive symptoms. We used to believe that poor sleep was merely a consequence of various mental health issues, but this new data shows that the ties between sleep and mental illness is more intricate than previously thought.

Kate Yakimchuk sleep patterns mental health research depression Psychology 23 December 2023

Bedtime anxiety refers to anxious thoughts that may occur before bed, especially those related to worry, nervousness, and restlessness.

Diana Dashkevich mental health sleep patterns health Psychology 22 December 2023

It's okay to be careful and ready for something unexpected to happen, especially if you're not anxious about it - but what if you are? Expecting the worst is a popular coping strategy that works like a protective measure, but it can also make you feel tired and miserable.

Kate Yakimchuk mental health pessimism psychologist tips expectations Psychology 19 December 2023

Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) is a pathological condition characterized by extreme fear that occurs with the condition or threat of involvement in social situations.

Diana Dashkevich disorder health mental health psychologist tips Psychology 30 November 2023

Worrying about how much and how well you'll sleep can itself affect the quantity and quality of your sleep, creating a seemingly never-ending cycle of anxiety and sleep problems.

Diana Dashkevich mental health sleep Psychology 22 November 2023

Not only humans, but also their pets can have mental issues sometimes. Your cat or dog can't say that it's sad or anxious, but its behavior and body language can highlight that something goes wrong.

Kate Yakimchuk pets depression health Animals 19 November 2023

Some people think that always expecting the worst can potentially secure them from lots of bad things happening to them. While being ready for everything can actually be useful, it can also damage your mental health and overall happiness.

Kate Yakimchuk expectations personality stress Psychology 19 November 2023

About 75% of adults in the United States drink coffee, which is widely known for its caffeine content.

Diana Dashkevich coffee facts Psychology 14 November 2023

People who often feel nervous and anxious tend to be better prepared for different unpleasant occasions, but it's not always a great thing. The benefit of being prepared isn't always worth spending days worrying about things that didn't even happen, psychologists say.

Kate Yakimchuk stress problems tips Psychology 13 November 2023

When something goes wrong, some people tend to panic - it's a pretty natural reaction for emotional and vulnerable people. Meanwhile, you should still know how to cope with your panic, so you can make rational and reasonable decisions.

Kate Yakimchuk panic personality stress tips Psychology 12 November 2023