
cat bite

Cats may suddenly bite for various reasons, and their behavior can be influenced by a combination of factors. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats aggression Animals 19 February 2024

When we're really hungry and want to eat a lot, our brain actually uses our sense of taste to stop us from going overboard.  A group of scientists found that when we taste food, a specific set of brain cells immediately pay attention and help us eat in moderation. 

Kate Yakimchuk research eating habits healthy diet food Cooking 8 January 2024

Wasp bites aren't just painful - they can also be potentially dangerous, especially if your pet is allergic. In most cases, you can see swell pretty quickly, but there are also other signs that can hepl you understand that your pet was attacked by a wasp.

Kate Yakimchuk wasps pets dogs tips Animals 22 September 2023