Latest articles and news for June 29, 2023

fruit fly

In summer, fruit flies can spread quickly, making your house less clean and safe. To get rid of fruit flies, you need to destroy their nests, or breeding sites.

fruit flies pests insects housekeeping tips Housekeeping

Negative doesn't always mean "bad" - for example, negative space can be very useful in interior design. Negative space, also known as "empty" or "white" space, refers to the unoccupied areas within a room. 

interior tips negative space interior desing House Design

The smell in the bathroom is often due to sewage or mold. Therefore, it is important to deal with the root cause of bad breath.

bathroom aromatherapy lifehacks smell Housekeeping

We all know that most trees love sunlight, but it doesn't mean that excessive sun can't damage them. Sunburns are real, and sometimes they can damage your trees and decrease your harvest.

sunburn gardening tips trees sunlight Garden

Lighting is one of the important details in the house, which creates comfort, atmosphere and warmth. In the article you will learn what is important to consider when choosing fixtures.

home lighting interior design advices House Design

Oatmeal can be amazing for breakfast, especially if you want to eat healthily or try losing weight. At the same time, lots of people claim that they feel hungry soon after eating oatmeal.

oatmeal healthy food healthy diet food facts Kitchen
a dog

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Vienna has found that dogs and humans share a similar ability to understand information conveyed through body postures. It means that we and our pets actually think pretty similarly in some aspects.

research pets dogs pets facts intelligence Animals

Ink stains often stain not only clothes, but also furniture. In the article we will talk about the most effective and easy ways to cleanse.

home furniture clothes stains cleaning Housekeeping
girl sleeping

Do you (or someone you know) act out your dreams while sleeping? If the answer is yes, then your problem might be solved in the nearest future, a new study claims.

sleep research brain sleepwalking Psychology
girl paint

After you remodel your house and repaint your walls, you cal often see a few random wall paint stains. While sometimes they are small and barely noticeable, other times they can really ruin your design.

wall paint stains cleaning tips Housekeeping

The heat can be extremely dangerous for all pets, including dogs. In the article, we have prepared for you important information about the safety of the animal in the summer.

pets dogs summer animal care advices Animals

Natural stone is gorgeous - it can make your home look lux easily, and it can also last for decades. There are lots of ways how you can utilize natural stone in your interior design.

materials stone interior tips House Design

The word psychopathy often appears on the Internet and in the media, which does not always promote true information. In the article we will talk about this disorder.

life mental health brain facts studies Psychology

Pumpkins are great - both as Halloween decorations and ingredient for many amazing dishes. It's pretty easy to grow them, and it can be very rewarding because of how big and tasty they are.

pumpkins gardening tips planting Garden

While it's actually easier to be on a caloric deficit without eating carbohydrates, you don't have to cut off bread completely when dieting. Like most foods, you can eat it in moderation, and it won't spoil your healthy diet.

bread healthy diet healthy food carbohydrates Kitchen

Almost any pet owner will say with confidence that a pet brings a lot of joy and happiness. In the article we will talk about this in more detail.

pets dogs cats mental health facts Animals
guinea pig

Children tend to want pets, and it's actually useful for them, because they can learn to take care of someone and be responsible. But it doesn't mean that you have to buy a cat or a dog for your kid - you can always get a guinea pig!

pets pets facts guinea pig Animals
healthy food

Whether you want to eat healthier or just lose weight, you need to have plenty of healthy food in your fridge. Having all these healthy options at home will reduce your risk of ordering fast food or snacking on something unhealthy.

healthy food healthy diet food storage Kitchen

If you're interested in psychology, you've probably heard of the concept of emotional intelligence. In the article we will describe in detail what it is and why it is necessary.

mental health emotions life facts studies Psychology
bid dog

If you love dogs, especially the big ones, then you probably want to get one - but you probably shouldn't, unless you live in a house. Apartments don't normally provide enough space, and it will be convenient neither for you nor for your dog.

dogs pets pets facts pet health Animals