Latest articles and news for June 19, 2023

vacuum cleaner

The idea of a small and convenient handheld vacuum cleaner makes lots of people excited. It's especially handy when you need to clean your car, a keyboard, or cat litter.

vacuum cleaner choosing advantages Housekeeping

The word "kitsch" often describes things that aren't particularly tasteful or high-quality. While most people avoid kitsch decorations and design trends at all costs, some people manage to integrate parts of it successfully.

interior mistakes interior tips kitsch House Design

Seedlings can help a gardener grow many plants more efficiently, but only if done right. While seedlings can really help you grow more plants sooner, a few mistakes can kill most of your seedlings.

seedlings seeds planting gardening mistakes Garden

If you desperately want to lose some weight, then you need to keep a healthy diet with a slight calorie deficit. While it sounds hard to do, it doesn't mean that you should starve or even feel hungry all the time, because healthy options can be nutritious too.

healthy food healthy diet food Kitchen

Even relatively harmless things from our everyday life can cause damage to animals around us. A new study shows how noisy boats make squids temporarily deaf, and how it threatens their lives.

squids wild animals research environment Animals

While all narcissists might seem the same, they can actually be pretty much different, and their age and gender matter. A new study claims that older female narcissists are way different from young male ones, and vice versa.

personality narcissism research Psychology

Sleep is an essential part of everyone's health and well-being, and good bedding can influence it a lot. When buying new bedding, you need to know how to understand whether its quality is good or not.

bedding choosing fabric bedroom Housekeeping
art deco interior

When you look through the most fashionable interior design trends these days, you might see lots of things that used to be trendy before. Fashion often comes back, so it's no surprise that some popular things that used to be seen as dated are popular again.

trends interior tips interior fashion House Design

Some plants survive the winter much easier than others, but they also need the gardener's protection. In some regions, winters can be pretty harsh, so if you want to keep your plants safe, then make sure you follow some recommendations.

lavender plants tips gardening tips planting Garden

You might be eating extremely healthily, but at some point, your body might crave carbohydrates - and not always the healthy ones. You shouldn't blame yourself for eating something that isn't exactly healthy.

bread carbohydrates healthy diet healthy food Kitchen

We all love domestic cats, but we often need to keep them away from being pregnant.  While veterinarians already have a few methods to prevent that, a new article published on Nature Communications claims that there's one more way.

science cats research pets facts Animals

When someone hurts or wrongs you, then it's pretty normal to dislike or even hate them. But what if someone dislikes you for seemingly no reason?

relationship personality communication Psychology
loft interior

Loft is a visually interesting yet minimalistic style of interior design, which is why it was very popular a few years ago. Nowadays, most interior designers do not like to create designs in this style and suggest using something else instead.

loft interior tips style trends House Design
sad parrot

Parrots are extremely intelligent birds, so they often have mental health problems that are similar to what humans have. Depression is pretty common among these birds, and you can see it by parrot's behavior and lack of appetite.

parrots depression pets facts birds bird facts Animals

Children don't often cook breakfasts for themselves, so it's their parents' responsibility to make sure they eat healthily. A good nutritious meal for a child should be balanced and tasty - or else your child might refuse to eat it.

children breakfast cooking tips healthy food healthy diet Kitchen

While some tasty mushrooms can be grown even at home, some varieties can be grown in your garden. If you love eating mushrooms and know lots of recipes that include them, then you can try growing your own harvest.

mushrooms growing gardening tips Garden

People always notice beauty, and most individuals dream of dating someone really attractive. But when someone attractive actually shows interest in them, lots of individuals back off, feeling insecure or confused.

dating beauty personality insecurity Psychology
coffee table

A square coffee table can look very stylish, especially if its material and design match your room's aesthetics.  Meanwhile, they aren't always convenient to use, because a square shape makes them harder to fit in.

coffee table furniture choosing interior mistakes House Design

Most wild plants survive even cold winters pretty well, but garden plants usually need your protection to withstand cold months. Raspberry plants can live and fruit for many years, but only if you take good care of them in autumn.

raspberries planting gardening tips winter Garden

While in most cases, spoiled milk tastes sour, it can also suddenly become extremely bitter. It doesn't happen too often, but when it does, then it's a great sign that you shouldn't drink it or use it while cooking.

milk dairy food storage spoiled food bacteria Kitchen