Latest articles and news for June 23, 2023


Roaches tend to be one of the most unpleasant pests to have in your house, mainly because it's pretty hard to get rid of them. It's always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it, so pay attention to the things that might attract roaches to your house.

cockroaches roaches pests insects infestation Housekeeping

When creating your interior design, you should be careful not to make one of the following mistakes. The thing is, some details can make your house look cheap, even when it's objectively not.

interior mistakes interior tips materials House Design

Strawberries are a popular summer berry that often leave marks and stains on clothing or furniture. In the article you will learn how to effectively and easily wash stains from berries.

summer strawberries stains clothing care lifehacks Housekeeping

Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers you can plant in your garden. When buying seeds, you should pay attention to the cost, because cheap flowers can be different from the expensive ones.

roses gardening tips seeds Garden

The bedroom is an important room in the house where a person rests and gains strength before tomorrow. Therefore, it is important that the bedroom is comfortable, convenient and cozy.

home bedroom furniture design interior House Design

Have you ever considered the Mediterranean diet? This eating plan revolves around vegetables, grains, herbs, and greens, providing an abundance of vitamins and nutrients that contribute to overall well-being.

healthy food healthy diet research mediterranean diet Kitchen

While people buy alcohol when they want a drink or two, some animals manage to produce it within their bodies. The new study from University of California shows that hummingbirds can actually be drunk, so they explored whether birds like it or not.

birds hummingbird alcohol research Animals

Towels can last a long time if you follow some care rules. In this article, we will tell you how to restore softness to towels and eliminate the unpleasant odor that can remain even after washing.

home cleaning towels lifehacks Housekeeping

If you use AI as your main tool at work, then you have lower chances of sleeping well and communicating to people. The newest research shows how artificial intelligence affects our brain, and why it happens.

AI (rtificial intelligence) depression research artificial intelligence brain Psychology

While modern washing machines can clean your clothes safely, sometimes you still need to pre-treat or even clean your clothes manually. It's important not only for expensive wool clothing, but also T-shirts.

laundry manual washing clothing care clothes Housekeeping

Funny dogs or others may not be aesthetically pleasing, but people are often touched by them. In the article we will explain why this happens.

pets dogs cats facts Animals

While Provence style isn't the most trendy one nowadays, it can make your living space special, especially if you use some elements of it wisely. The overall aesthetics of Provence are cozy, rustic, soft, a bit nostalgic, so it's perfect for those who find little imperfections to be especially charming.

provence style interior tips style House Design

Intelligence is influenced by various factors: genetics, upbringing, level of education, environment, lifestyle. In the article you will learn how personal characteristics and mental abilities of a person are interconnected.

personality intelligence studies facts Psychology

In fall, you should take proper care of your garden and your greenhouse. Colder months can affect your plants a lot, so you need to check your greenhouse thoroughly and make sure that it will protect your crops in winter.

greenhouse gardening tips fall Garden

For most people, seasoned food just simply tastes better, so unless they have some special health problems, they use spices regularly. At the same time, spices aren't just full of flavors - they can also be beneficial for your health.

seasoning spices healthy food healthy diet Kitchen

Surely, you have noticed how your pet sometimes tilts its head. In the article we will tell you why the animal does this.

pets dogs facts studies Animals

Evolution happens slowly, but steadily - and that's why modern dogs are so different from what they used to look. While people have created lots of different breeds on their own, nature also has changed dogs a lot.

dogs evolution wolves history Animals

People sometimes think that cheese is anything but healthy, but they are wrong. An article published on the National Library of Medicine says that cheese can actually be pretty beneficial for your health.

healthy food cheese healthy diet research Kitchen

Education plays an important role in a child's development. In the article we will tell you how support can affect intelligence.

children mental health intelligence studies Psychology

While some people think bears are huge, dangerous, and dumb, they're actually just huge and dangerous—these animals can be extremely intelligent. Bears have great memories and skills, and if anything, that makes them even more dangerous, but interesting.

bears wild animals animal facts intelligence Animals