Latest articles and news for June 15, 2023

kitchen knives

If you don't sharpen your knives regularly, you can make your cooking more annoying, or even potentially dangerous. But even sharpening them regularly won't help unless you do it properly.

knives sharpening kitchen tips housekeeping mistakes Housekeeping

Decorative pillows can make your living room look cozy and cute, but they can also create some additional problems. If you don't want to have high-maintenance decorations, or don't like the idea of creating visual clutter, then you probably shouldn't buy too many of these pillows.

pillows decoration interior mistakes interior tips House Design

A good greenhouse can significantly benefit your overall gardening experience and make your plants grow better. But you should know how to prepare your garden beds in your greenhouse before planting anything there.

greenhouse garden beds gardening tips Garden
healthy food

While researchers from Natural Library of Medicine explore the connection between taste of nutrient-dense and nutrient-low foods, most people just subconsciously know that "healthy food tastes bad". It's especially hard to teach children to opt for healthy foods, because fast food is often designed to taste and smell just perfect for our brains.

healthy food healthy diet research Kitchen

A study published on Science Direct claims that long-term alcohol drinking can irreversibly damage your brain. While some negative effects can go away after you stop drinking for a while, others may stay with you forever.

brain brain damage health mental health alcohol Psychology

A garage is often seen as a "safe space for a man", where he organizes everything the way he wants, or doesn't organize at all. Sometimes garages also work like storage for things you don't need in your house anymore.

garage organization decluttering cleaning tips Housekeeping

Wooden furniture can be expensive, elegant, reliable, and almost timeless - but it can also look outdated. Modern interior designers still like using wooden furniture in their projects, but style and condition play a huge role in what they choose to use.

furniture wood materials interior mistakes House Design

Eggplants aren't the most capricious garden plant, but you can make a few mistakes while taking care of it. Even such a simple thing as watering can be done wrong, so you need to know how to water your plants right to get a good harvest.

eggplants watering gardening mistakes Garden

Have you ever wondered why some animals and birds sleep while standing? While it's almost impossible for a human to sleep while standing, animals like horses and some birds see no problems with it.

horses animals animal facts Animals

While most animals can suffer brain damage after they hit their head, it surprisingly doesn't affect woodpeckers. Woodpeckers have a unique adaptation that protects their brains from damage while repeatedly pecking at trees. 

birds woodpeckers animal facts bird facts Animals

The newest study made by Columbia University and Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard claims that older people with low flavanol consumption performed poorly on memory tests. It indicates a link between a low-flavanol diet and widespread age-related memory loss.

healthy food healthy diet research science memory Kitchen

Foxes have evolved to survive in the wild and possess characteristics that make them not really suitable as pets. While they look adorable, they are really high-maintenance, and non-specialists can't normally create perfect conditions for them.

wild animals pets facts pets foxes Animals
old couple

Exercising is helpful for both body and mind, and it's true for people of all ages. The latest study published in IOS Press claims that physical activity can decrease dementia in older people.

research science alzheimer dementia exercising Psychology

Meringue is a nice dessert that consists of only a few ingredients, so it usually seems that it's easy to cook it. In fact, it's not always the case - you can still make a few mistakes that can ruin the recipe.

cooking mistakes baking tips baking mistakes dessert meringue Kitchen

Every gardener wants its plants to be thriving and strong, but it's not always easy to achieve. Tomato plants can become ill because of many reasons, including pests, infections, or just improper care.

tomatoes gardening tips planting plant illnesses Garden

Most dog breeds were created to serve very specific purposes, like hunting, guarding, searching. Selection has influenced dog's characters as well, so breeds are often tightly connected with pet's personality.

dogs pets pets facts dog breeds breeds Animals

White or light gray interior designs are still pretty popular, but they tend to look better in pictures than in real life. These designs turn homes into living places that require lots of your time and effort to stay white and clean.

interior white interior colors maintenance House Design

If you don't have a steamer, then you probably need one, because steamers are actually very useful. They are perfect for delicate fabrics, and they are very fast to use.

laundry clothes clothing care steamer Housekeeping

Parents and babysitters can influence newborn babies a lot, but the newest research published on Science Direct shows that the impact is even bigger than we thought. The way you talk to a child and how often you do it impacts their abilities, because it helps them develop some parts of their brain faster.

babies children personality research science Psychology

Home-made mayonnaise usually tastes way better than the one you can buy in a supermarket. But even though it consists of just a few ingredients, you still can make a few mistakes that will ruin your sauce.

cooking tips cooking mistakes mayonnaise sauce Kitchen