Latest articles and news for June 13, 2023


Puff pastry is one of the tastiest things when done properly, so lots of people use it while baking. At the same time, it's way harder to cook it properly than some other types of pastry.

baking cooking mistakes cooking tips baking tips Kitchen

Dirty vents aren't just unpleasant to look at - they can also be pretty dangerous for your health. They can lead to allergies, pests, mold, and many other issues, so you should take good care of them regularly.

vent cleaning tips mold dust Housekeeping

Hair dye often stains many surfaces in the bathroom, including clothes and skin. In the article, we will tell you how to easily and quickly remove such contaminants.

stains clothing care cleaning lifehacks Housekeeping

Domestic birds, and especially parrots and budgerigars, often decorate their tails with paper strips. They can make these strips out of books, magazines, or even money, so make sure you don't leave your birds unattended.

birds budgies parrots pets facts Animals

Birthday is an important holiday for many. In the article, we will tell you how easy and fast you can decorate your home for the holiday.

birthday home interior design decoration House Design

Many people are still convinced that huge, luxurious furniture is always better than smaller pieces.  Modern interior designers claim that you should invest in smaller furniture.

interior tips furniture design tips House Design

Chocolate is a product that is visible on the fabrics of furniture and clothing. In this article, you will learn how to quickly, effectively, and most importantly, safely, remove chocolate stains from different surfaces.

stains chocolate cleaning lifehacks Housekeeping

Peonies are one of the most beautiful flowers that you can grow in your garden. To make sure your peonies are lush and beautiful, you need to avoid some popular growing mistakes.

flowers gardening mistakes gardening tips Garden

Narcissists tend to neglect and manipulate other people to get what they want, and it's even worse when it affects children who can't protect their personal boundaries. Specialists from International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy claim that Narcissist parents affect their kids even more than we thought before.

narcissism parenting mental health Psychology

Pigeons are birds that inhabit cities and are kept on farms. In the article, we will figure out what you can feed pigeons, and what foods can harm birds.

birds feeding animal care facts Animals

People often notice that cats use different sounds to communicate with people and other cats. A study published in the Natural Library of Medicine claims that cats mimic the crying of a human baby to get people's attention.

pets facts cats communication Animals

We all subconsciously know that lighting environment can affect our mood and mental health, but the recent article in Frontier only confirms it. Light plays a huge role not only in interior design, but also our everyday life.

lighting light interior tips mental health House Design

Sometimes, for various reasons, it can be difficult to get started. In this article, we will share a fail-safe trick that will make you more productive.

work career procrastination advices facts Psychology

Pesticides can affect cats and dogs, National Library of Medicine claims. While they don't always damage their health quickly, they can lead to various health problems, especially later in life.

pesticides pet health gardening tips Garden

Guilt towards animals can arise for various reasons, including depression and anxiety. In the article, we will talk about a new study on this subject.

pets dogs cats facts Animals

Lots of people crave sweet snacks from time to time, and some people even replace full meals with candies. While sometimes these candies don't even affect their normal calorie intake, such meals lack vitamins and nutrients, so you should try changing your habits and switch to healthier alternatives.

healthy food candy sweets healthy diet Kitchen

Moth isn't the worst insect that you can find in your house, but it's still one of the most popular ones. Some varieties of this pest can spoil your food (especially grains), others destroy clothes.

pests moth cleaning tips Housekeeping

You have probably regretted something more than once. In the article, we will talk about one of the possible reasons for your feelings from a scientific point of view.

mental health life happiness emotions Psychology

Nowadays, lots of people don't use any tablecloth, because it's easy to stain it while eating. Meanwhile, a tablecloth can be both useful and beautiful, and that's why interior designers like it so much.

interior tips tablecloth dining room House Design

Some families have very warm relationships between all members, so they are happy to visit each other pretty often. On the other hand, some people prefer visiting their relatives as rarely as they possibly can.

relationship relatives personal boundaries personality Psychology