Latest articles and news for June 14, 2023


Lots of people dream of a beautiful garden full of thriving flowers, but some gardening mistakes can ruin this dream. Like most garden flowers, coneflowers are relatively easy to grow, but there are still a few mistakes you can make.

coneflowers flowers gardening mistakes gardening tips Garden

A new living space can feel cold and unfriendly unless you decorate it the way you like. When you rent a house or an apartment, it's not that easy to decorate everything exactly the way you like, though.

interior tips decoration home home decor House Design

Crows and other birds who are similar to them often collect "treasures" - small objects that they find curious or amusing. These treasures can be shiny objects, useful sticks, and so much more.

crows wild animals birds Animals

While it's normal for most people to eat unhealthy snacks from time to time, constantly stressed people tend to do it more often. A new article published in Neuron claims that constant chronic stress makes you eat more "comfort food".

overeating stress research science Psychology
soap dispenser

Nowadays, you can't surprise anyone with an electronic soap dispenser, but not many people actually buy them for their homes. But this device isn't just for public spaces - it can be really useful at home as well.

soap dispenser soap gadgets Housekeeping

If you've ever thought that successful entrepreneurs have different brains, then you might be right. New research from University of Liège and Liège University Hospital claims that lots of entrepreneurs have brains that actually work a bit differently.

brain science research Psychology

If you are allergic to specific animals, you should not start them. If you are allergic to wool - however you like, for example, fluffy cats - it is better to stay away from them.

pets dogs cats allergy advices Animals

A gadget called humidifier seems to be not that useful, but only for people who don't know about its benefits. It's not only beneficial to your health, but it also impacts other things in your house positively.

air humidifier humidity dust Housekeeping

Ego is an independent motivation to make this world around you better, it is a desire to live.” Traditionally, the concept of Personality and Ego are separated. Ego is considered to be a part of Personality.

mental health life facts Psychology

In winter, your garden needs rest, so it can become a home for your favorite plants later. To make gardening easier for yourself, you can prepare your garden for winter.

gardening tips winter planting Garden

Matcha is a concentrated green tea powder that is made from whole tea leaves. Due to the way it is prepared, matcha has a higher content of beneficial substances such as antioxidants and catechins than other types of green tea.

matcha drinks facts advices Kitchen

Colorful interior designs seem to be more popular than ever, because many people are tired of blend monotonous designs. Green is a great color to paint your living room, because it's soothing, attractive, and makes you closer to nature.

colors interior tips green interior House Design

Most cats actually dislike water - it makes their fur wet, so they feel cold and heavy. At the same time, some cats actually like swimming, and they surprise lots of people with that habit.

cats pets pets facts Animals

Kiwi is a sweet and sour, exotic fruit that you can grow yourself. In the article, we will talk about the features of care and cultivation for kiwi.

fruits trees gardening planting Garden

Lots of people can't be productive without drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, others drink it rarely, because they think it's bad for their health. But the right amount of coffee can actually benefit your health, claims Harvard Chan School.

coffee healthy food healthy diet Kitchen

Using only big pictures on your walls can make your room look smaller. On the other hand, lots of small pictures can make your room look cluttered and overstimulating.

pictures interior tips design tips House Design

Arugula is a herb often added to salads and sandwiches. In the article, we will talk about all the benefits of the product for the body.

microgreen arugula health food Kitchen
tea pot

A dirty teapot is not only unpleasant to look at, but it can also spoil the taste of tea. It can also be a place where mold grows, so you need to constantly keep it clean.

tea pot cleaning tips mold smell Housekeeping

Lemon can be grown right in your garden or windowsill. In the article, you will learn what is important to consider in growing and caring for fruit.

lemons fruits trees gardening Garden
cat hunting

Pet owners often notice that their cats make strange sounds and act differently when they see flies or birds through windows. They often don't even try to attack - just vocalize and look at them attentively.

cats pets pets facts Animals