Latest articles and news for June 17, 2023


People who prefer eating healthily often try to stop eating candies completely, so they don't eat more calories than they should. While candies aren't exactly healthy, eating them from time to time can still be beneficial to your health.

healthy food candy healthy diet mental health Kitchen

A series of books and movies about Harry Potter has made lots of people dream about pet owls. While they are actually intelligent and beautiful birds, they aren't the best pets for most people.

birds owls pets pets facts wild animals Animals

It's pretty obvious that natural materials are better than faux ones, but they are also way more expensive. Faux marble used to be pretty popular as a cheaper alternative, but it's not trendy anymore.

materials marble interior tips design tips House Design

It's natural for people to have expectations and dreams, because they often hope for the best. Expectations often lead to disappointment - and that's why it's sometimes safer not to have any.

expectations personality mental health disappointment happiness Psychology

The home office is an important place in the house, the interior of which must be treated responsibly. After all, colors can affect the mood and well-being of a person.

home office interior design colors tips House Design

It's pretty obvious that you shouldn't transplant plants too early - cold weather can easily damage small and weak plants. But you can't transplant them too lately as well - it can also damage them.

gardening tips gardening mistakes planting Garden

Ratatouille is a great dish that isn't only famous because of the cartoon - it's actually delicious. Not everyone knows how to make the dish properly, and others are too afraid to try because they don't want to make lots of mistakes while cooking it.

cooking tips cooking mistakes ratatouille Kitchen

Although leather is a durable material, it can crack or scratch over time. In the article, you will learn how to eliminate defects on leather furniture.

home furniture couch lifehacks Housekeeping

Wild cats often bury their food, and even pet cats often pretend they bury food in their bowls. While some owners assume it shows that means they dislike it, it's not always the case.

pets cats pet food pets facts Animals

Melon is a sweet and fragrant fruit that is not difficult to grow on your own. In the article, we will talk about the features of caring for and growing fruit.

fruits melon gardening advices Garden

A dishwasher tablet can become a good cleaning solution for many surfaces in your kitchen. It's effective, and it's safe, which is great for surfaces that often touch food.

dishwasher cleaning tips kitchen cleaning Housekeeping

While it's still not completely clear what causes dementia, scientists find more and more things that increase risks significantly. A new study published on IOS Press claims that air pollution might play a significant role in it.

mental health dementia air pollution health research Psychology

The hedgehog is an unusual pet that is easy to care for. In the article, we will talk about feeding this small animal.

pets feeding animal care tips Animals

When we are young, we often want to date attractive people, and that's basically everything we want our partners to be. Meanwhile, when people become more mature, their preferences often change - they not only value character more, but even their tastes change.

relationship couple love preferences personality Psychology

Hobbies make our lives brighter, allowing us to be more creative, passionate and generally happy. But the older we get, the less time we tend to spend doing what we like, rather than what we should be doing.

hobby personality maturity Psychology

Biscuits are used for lots of various cakes, so it's important to know how to make one. While it's relatively easy to cook a nice biscuit, you can also make a few mistakes that can make it less tasty or pleasant-looking.

biscuit cooking tips baking dessert Kitchen

Interior designs that showcase your personality are the best, because they are unique and meaningful. But it doesn't mean that you should just clutter your living space with your belongings mindlessly.

interior tips interior decoration design tips House Design

Refusal of meat or other animal products can have different reasons. In the article, we have prepared a memo for you where you can get protein and other useful substances in addition to meat.

food health dieting advices Kitchen

Japanese writer Marie Kondo helps people to get rid of things they don't actually need and to organize the rest properly. Her tips have already helped millions of people to get closer to minimalistic and well-organized living.

decluttering interior tips organization Housekeeping
living room

Curtains are one of the most popular decorations you can find in almost every living room.  It's hard to pick the best ones, because there are so many curtains of different length, color, size, material, and style.

curtains living room choosing interior tips House Design