

Metabolism, or metabolism, is the process of breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The body ultimately receives the energy necessary for life and health.

Diana Dashkevich health health facts nutrition nutrition facts Cooking 5 January 2024

For many people, food is just a source of energy and vitamins, and others really enjoy it and simply love it for its taste and texture. If you're the second type, but at some point you feel like food you love seems boring and tasteless, then it's time to try something new.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food appetite loss dieting taste Cooking 5 January 2024

For most people, portion control is the best way to make sure they don't eat too much, and it works perfectly for them. Meanwhile, some people can't imagine their life being tied to scales and measuring cups, and they also underestimate how much they eat daily.

Kate Yakimchuk overeating portion size portion control dieting Cooking 5 January 2024

Holidays are time to eat lots of amazing dishes, but it's too easy to get used to this type of diet. People who want to stay healthy can't eat like that all the time, so they have to go back to their usual balanced meals.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food holidays eating habits tips Cooking 4 January 2024

When cooking, we often make too much food, or leave too many ingredients – and it's not reasonable. If you accidentally made too much pizza dough, then you don't have to throw away the rest of it - you can perfectly store it!

Kate Yakimchuk pizza dough cooking tips storage ideas Cooking 4 January 2024

When falling in love, lots of people feel like they lack appetite - they physically can't eat anything. While not everyone experiences this effect, it's interesting to know the mechanism of how it works.

Kate Yakimchuk appetite in love emotions emotional eating Cooking 3 January 2024

Dog owners know that sometimes their pets try to eat everything they see, so they have to be careful with that habit. Meanwhile, not everything except for special dog food is bad for your pet - some foods can actually be pretty beneficial for their health.

Kate Yakimchuk dog food pet health pets dieting Animals 2 January 2024

In winter, lots of people prefer to use lots of meat and cheese in their charcuteries, but you can always be more creative! It's the perfect time to integrate more fruits, because our bodies often lack vitamins in winter.

Kate Yakimchuk charcuterie fruits holidays healthy food Cooking 31 December 2023

If you're a vegetarian, then you can still enjoy lots of amazing Christmas dishes! By using mushrooms, plants, and spices, you can achieve amazing tastes and textures easily - just be creative.

Kate Yakimchuk holidays christmas food vegetarianism cooking ideas Cooking 30 December 2023

The issue of heavy metals in our food has become more urgent because of the high levels of metals in babies' food. Recently, metals were also found in kids' fruit puree pouches.

Kate Yakimchuk research baby health heavy metals danger nutrition Cooking 27 December 2023

French Bechamel sauce (translated from French as “white sauce”) is a classic of European cuisine.

Diana Dashkevich cooking sauce cooking tips food facts Cooking 27 December 2023

When trying to make your diet healthy, you should always think about your personal diet needs. If a generally healthy food doesn't fit your body, then you should always choose lactose-free options.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food lactose intolerance nutrition tips Cooking 27 December 2023

If you want to eat more grains, but don't have time to cook them, then you can eat flakes - it's easy! While lots of people eat cornflakes regularly, there are lots of other types of flakes you can try.

Kate Yakimchuk cornflakes flakes healthy food dieting Cooking 26 December 2023

The best thing about salads is how versatile they can be - you can create your ultimate recipe! Salads can be both nutritious and healthy - you just need to find the best ingredients.

Kate Yakimchuk salad healthy food nutrition facts ingredients Cooking 26 December 2023

The main tasks of proteins are to ensure the growth, construction and development of the body. Almost all enzymes and some hormones have a protein composition. Proteins are actively involved in the production of antibodies and ensure the strength and activity of the immune system, and are also involved in the transport of many compounds.

Diana Dashkevich protein nutrition food facts health facts Cooking 25 December 2023

Flax seeds are small, oily, and have a pleasant nutty taste and smell.

Diana Dashkevich seeds nutrition facts health healthy food Cooking 25 December 2023

Mushrooms are amazing on their own - they are diverse, delicious, and also quite healthy! They can also be quite beneficial for people who are dieting or trying to lose some extra weight.

Kate Yakimchuk mushrooms healthy food weight management benefits Cooking 24 December 2023

Pickles can be quite amazing - they are diverse, and you can use them in many dishes instead of just eating them. If you don't like them too much, you still can try adding them to some dishes - it can be a game-changer!

Kate Yakimchuk pickles pickled vegetables cooking tips recipe Cooking 24 December 2023

Lemon curd is a quick-to-prepare dessert. Caird can be used as a spread on baked goods, and it can also be used instead of cream, lubricating cakes.

Diana Dashkevich dessert sweets food facts food storage Cooking 23 December 2023

If you want to actually surprise your guests, then you can cook some unusual and creative Christmas dishes for them. Your Christmas feast doesn't have to be traditional - there are so many creative and delicious dishes you can try!

Kate Yakimchuk christmas food cooking ideas holidays tips Cooking 23 December 2023