

Some gardeners prefer to get rid of old and dead trees quickly, but others just let them stay – mostly because it takes time and effort to get rid of them. Meanwhile, some dry trees can be potentially dangerous, and it's especially true for families with kids.

dry trees gardening tips tips plants Garden January 29, 2024

When you leave some food on the table for a week, then you might expect it to become dry or moldy – it's a pretty natural thing to happen. Meanwhile, when you keep your food in the fridge, then you might expect it to stay safe from mold, but it still happens regularly.

mold bacteria healthy food food storage Kitchen January 26, 2024

If you have tall trees in your garden, then there's always a chance that it can get struck with lightning.  Sometimes it can be quite dangerous, because it can turn into a big fire, and even after the tree might be unsafe.

lightning gardening tips fruit trees damage Garden January 25, 2024

Even little kids know that tigers and crocodiles are dangerous – they can easily see it by their teeth and claws. But what about the harmless-looking animals that can actually be quite dangerous?

animal facts wild nature safety poison Animals January 23, 2024

Movies like Jaws have planted the fear of sharks deeply in our minds, so many of us are afraid of them even when we swim in places with no sharks. While sharks can actually be deadly, they don't attack people that often – so your chances to be killed by a shark are extremely low.

sharks animal facts wild nature fish Animals January 23, 2024

Kids are usually taught not to touch wild animals in case they're dangerous – they can be not only aggressive, but also infected. Many wild animals can actually spread diseases, but not all animals are dangerous because of that.

wild animals animal facts illnesses diseases Animals January 23, 2024

When looking for something to play with, kids can accidentally hurt themselves – so everything can be dangerous to them. Some objects are clearly dangerous, but even seemingly harmless things can be a threat when your kid is curious and playful.

children safety interior mistakes kids tips House Design January 22, 2024

If you live in the area with lots of stray dogs, then it's hard not to be scared of them – they can be aggressive and quite dangerous. It's not always possible not to meet these dogs, but it's possible to overcome your fears.

stray dogs fears animal facts safety Animals January 22, 2024

Gardening might look like a completely harmless hobby, but it might be actually dangerous to those who don't know how to use some tools properly. A keen gardener often has lots of sharp objects and chemicals to take good care of their plants, and kids might be too interested in playing with them.

gardening tips children safety kids tips Garden January 19, 2024

If you love growing decorative plants, then you have to be careful with what you grow, because some of these plants can be quite harmful. For instance, if you have small kids or pets, then you should be careful with plants that have poisonous berries.

gardening tips toxic plants berries poison Garden January 15, 2024

In cartoons and fairy tales, lots of animals and birds are portrayed as intelligent and friendly, often demonstrating some human qualities. Meanwhile, real life is often far from cartoons – so these animals might not be as friendly as you might expect them to be.

wild animals nature aggression animal facts Animals January 12, 2024

While some people can't imagine gardening without pesticides, others think that they're not just dangerous, but awful in every possible way. Like usually, the truth is actually somewhere in between – so you should know both the good and bad sides of using them.

pesticides pest control gardening tips benefits Garden January 6, 2024

When gardening, you can't completely avoid using pesticides, but you should always be very careful with what you apply on your plants and soil. Some pesticides can be not only effective, but also pretty dangerous to you, your family, or pets.

pesticides garden pests chemicals pest control Garden January 5, 2024

If you drive a car near forests, then you should always be careful of deers - you can accidentally hit one. While being extremely careful and shy animals, deers can also be quite careless, so they often get hit.

wild animals deer wildlife wild nature Animals December 28, 2023

While most wild animals avoid humans and leave as soon as they sense them, others might be unpredictable - so you should stay safe. The best thing you can do is to remember some safety rules and follow them to leave untouched.

wild animals wildlife safety measures tips Animals December 27, 2023

The issue of heavy metals in our food has become more urgent because of the high levels of metals in babies' food. Recently, metals were also found in kids' fruit puree pouches.

research baby health heavy metals food nutrition Kitchen December 27, 2023

A microwave oven is an extremely convenient kitchen appliance, but it has some limitations. For instance, there are a few types of dishes you can't use in it - it can be dangerous!

microwave dishes safety measures oven Housekeeping December 26, 2023

While widely used, cleaning chemicals can actually be dangerous when misused. If you don't protect your skin well, then you might get an unpleasant skin irritation.

skin irritation cleaning solutions chemicals health Housekeeping December 25, 2023

Even if you don't live near the ocean, you probably know that sometimes whales wasp up on shores. It might be tragic and simply inconvenient, so people often try helping these animals when they can.

whale animal facts wild animals nature Animals December 25, 2023

Some dogs happen to have pretty high levels of zoo aggression, so they can attack other dogs when they see them. It might be a huge problem for pet owners every time they walk their dog, and it can also traumatize someone else's dog as well.

dogs training dog aggression behavior pets Animals December 2, 2023