How expensive roses are different from cheap ones: Plant only the best flowers

24.06.2023 04:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers you can plant in your garden.

When buying seeds, you should pay attention to the cost, because cheap flowers can be different from the expensive ones.

Here are the main differences.

Quality and Health

Expensive roses often come from reputable nurseries or specialized rose growers who prioritize quality. 

These plants are typically propagated from healthy stock, ensuring that you start with a robust and disease-resistant plant. 


Cheaper roses may be produced on a larger scale, potentially sacrificing quality control and resulting in plants that are more susceptible to diseases or pests.

Variety Selection

Expensive roses often offer a wider range of varieties to choose from. 

They may include newer hybrids with improved characteristics such as disease resistance, fragrance, unique colors, or longer blooming periods. 

Cheaper roses may have limited variety options and may not provide the same level of uniqueness or desired traits.

Longevity and Vigor

Higher-priced roses are often cultivated with more care and attention to detail, which can contribute to their long-term health and vigor. 

They may have well-developed root systems and stronger growth habits, enabling them to establish themselves more easily and provide better overall performance in the garden. 

Cheaper roses may have smaller root systems, weaker growth, or may not be as well adapted to local climate conditions, leading to reduced longevity or less robust plants.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Quality and Health
  2. Variety Selection
  3. Longevity and Vigor