sleep patterns


An hour and a half before bedtime, it is advisable not only to put gadgets out of sight, but also to dim the lights in the room.

Diana Dashkevich sleep sleep routine lightning mental health Psychology 22 January 2024

When falling in love, many people can't eat or sleep properly – they are way too nervous to do that! But how does falling in love make these simple things so hard to do?

Kate Yakimchuk in love behavior dieting facts Psychology 13 January 2024

It's extremely hard to sleep when it's too light, but do light colors affect your sleep? Researchers studied the impact of different light colors on the human body and sleep patterns. 

Kate Yakimchuk research light colors bedroom mood Psychology 25 December 2023

A recent study reveals that a specific chemical messenger in the brain plays a major role in the connection between lack of sleep and increased pain sensitivity.  Researchers conducted experiments on mice and discovered that chronic sleep disruption can cause heightened pain sensitivity, and this involves signaling from a part of the brain called the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). 

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep deprivation pain health Psychology 25 December 2023

Proper sleep is vital for your well-being and health, and noise reduction is one of the basic things you can do to achieve that. For most people, noise and light are two things that can make or break their sleep routine, so you should take it seriously.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips bedroom noise tips House Design 24 December 2023

Healthy sleep is a huge part of everyone's healthy life, so when it goes wrong, then it usually has serious reasons. In many cases, sleep pattern issues can be associated with mental health problems.

Kate Yakimchuk mental health personality health issues Psychology 24 December 2023

Lots of screen time seems to actually impact teens' sleep, a new study claims. New study highlights that interactive screen time, such as texting, watching videos, or playing video games, has a more noticeable impact on delaying and reducing sleep.

Kate Yakimchuk research screen time children teenagers Psychology 23 December 2023

Sometimes people find themselves in situations when they just can't afford a proper sleep - so what can they do? New research tried to find the best way to combat drowsiness and fatigue during a 16-hour overnight duty.

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep deprivation health nightshifters Psychology 23 December 2023

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it's just extremely hard for you to fall asleep? If you're a woman, then it might be tied to your blood pressure, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk research blood pressure health insomnia Psychology 23 December 2023

Regularly sleeping less than 5 hours a night can increase the risk of developing various depressive symptoms. We used to believe that poor sleep was merely a consequence of various mental health issues, but this new data shows that the ties between sleep and mental illness is more intricate than previously thought.

Kate Yakimchuk mental health research depression anxiety Psychology 23 December 2023

Bedtime anxiety refers to anxious thoughts that may occur before bed, especially those related to worry, nervousness, and restlessness.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health anxiety Psychology 22 December 2023

It's important to keep your sleep patterns stable not just because it's healthy and productive - they can also affect your diet a lot. While some people can't notice these changes at first, they can add up and change the way you eat completely, and usually for the worse.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy diet food overeating tips Cooking 22 December 2023

Sleep apnea is a condition where a person's breathing is interrupted while they are asleep. Symptoms include feeling breathless, fatigued, and drowsy.

Kate Yakimchuk sleep apnea research sweat breathing health Psychology 22 December 2023

The effect of melatonin lasts from 2 to 6 hours after taking the drug, so it is advisable to take it exclusively in the evening.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health sleep sleep routine Psychology 21 December 2023

Coffee is a well-known tool that helps millions of people fight their sleepiness every day. Meanwhile, some people claim that coffee doesn't work for them - or makes them even sleepier!

Kate Yakimchuk coffee caffeine healthy diet drinks Cooking 19 December 2023

A recent study looked at how the way people live affects how well they do their jobs in Japan.  The results showed that not getting enough sleep was the main thing that made work not go well for both men and women. 

Kate Yakimchuk research work effectiveness brain activity health Psychology 17 December 2023

A recent study highlights the significance of sleep for cognitive abilities and emotional well-being, especially for those facing high-stress situations. The research suggests that people should avoid making crucial decisions after a night without adequate sleep.

Kate Yakimchuk research decisions cognitive skills brain Psychology 17 December 2023

You've probably noticed that it's hard to sleep when you're stressed out, and it's also hard to have good rest. A new study shows that you can't rest well because of your hypothalamus that wakes you up.

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep deprivation brain health Psychology 16 December 2023

The sleep-wake cycle is regulated by the pineal gland hormone melatonin. Assessing the level of this hormone in the blood helps diagnose circadian rhythm disorders that can lead to insomnia.

Diana Dashkevich sleep sleep routine mental health facts Psychology 15 December 2023

Deep sleep is one of the stages of slow-wave sleep. Sleep is a heterogeneous state.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health sleep facts Psychology 14 December 2023