Why some cats like swimming: Breaking the stereotype

06.14.2023 12:40

Most cats actually dislike water - it makes their fur wet, so they feel cold and heavy.

At the same time, some cats actually like swimming, and they surprise lots of people with that habit.

But why do cats like it?

Individual Personality

Just like humans, cats have individual personalities, and some cats may simply have a natural inclination or curiosity towards water. 

Breed Traits

Certain cat breeds have a higher likelihood of being attracted to water. 


For example, the Maine Coon is known for its fascination with water and has been nicknamed the "gentle giant" of the cat world due to its water-loving nature. 

Other breeds, such as the Turkish Van and Bengal, also have a reputation for enjoying water activities.

Environmental Factors

Cats that are exposed to water-related activities from a young age, such as being introduced to water during kittenhood or living in an environment with regular water exposure, may become more comfortable and accustomed to water. 

Cooling Off

Cats have a higher body temperature than humans, and some cats may find swimming or splashing in water to be a way to cool down and regulate their body temperature, especially in warmer climates.

Hunting Behavior

Cats are natural hunters, and in some cases, they may associate water with potential prey, such as fish. 

This could motivate them to explore water and engage in swimming-like movements as they try to catch imaginary prey.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Individual Personality
  2. Breed Traits
  3. Environmental Factors
  4. Cooling Off
  5. Hunting Behavior