Garden plants that aren't for beginners: They might be pretty hard to grow

30.07.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

For beginners, certain garden plants can be more challenging to grow due to their specific care requirements and sensitivity to environmental conditions. 

If you're a beginner, then they might be too much for you to take care of.

Here are some garden plants that are considered more difficult for beginners.


Roses are beautiful and iconic flowers, but they require careful attention to watering, pruning, and pest control. 

Some varieties are susceptible to diseases, and improper care can lead to lack of blooms or weak growth.



Orchids are stunning and exotic plants, but they have specific humidity and temperature needs. 

Overwatering or underwatering can be detrimental, and they may need extra care to rebloom.


Ferns are delicate plants that thrive in high humidity and indirect light. 

They can be sensitive to changes in watering and are prone to fungal issues if conditions are not ideal.

Bonsai Trees

Growing bonsai trees requires patience and meticulous attention to pruning, shaping, and watering. 

The small size of the trees makes them more susceptible to changes in the environment.

Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous plants, like Venus flytraps and pitcher plants, have unique requirements, such as specific soil types and the need for insects for nutrition. 

Meeting their specialized needs can be challenging for beginners.


Some herbs, like cilantro and dill, can be challenging to grow from seed and may require specific conditions for germination and growth.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Roses
  2. Orchids
  3. Ferns
  4. Bonsai Trees
  5. Carnivorous Plants
  6. Herbs