

Researchers at Mount Sinai have created an automated method for analyzing sleep studies to determine the severity and dangers in people with obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder. This condition affects about 30 million Americans.

Kate Yakimchuk research apnea health Psychology 31 October 2023

A new study finds that people who have pets may sleep worse than those who don't, Fortune writes.

Diana Dashkevich pets pets facts Animals 30 October 2023
tired man

We all know that sleepless nights are bad for our bodies, but it might be even more dangerous to our mental state. A recent genetic study led by a team of researchers found that consistently getting less than 5 hours of sleep each night may seriously increase the risk of developing various depressive symptoms.

Kate Yakimchuk research health depression Psychology 24 October 2023

When days become shorter and darker, people tend to sleep differently - it's a pretty common thing. Your sleep patterns are strongly affected by sun and weather, and it can also affect your mental health.

Kate Yakimchuk seasons changes Psychology 23 October 2023
baby sleep

The value of a good night's sleep extends far beyond feeling refreshed in the morning.  Recent research conducted by the University of York has unveiled a fascinating connection between quality sleep and our mental well-being, particularly when it comes to preventing depression and anxiety.

Kate Yakimchuk research brain memory Psychology 22 October 2023

Have you ever noticed how your sleep schedule affects your eating habits? Most people tend to eat differently when they lack quality sleep, or sleep too much.

Kate Yakimchuk hunger habits Cooking 21 October 2023

Dreams are mysterious experiences that happen in our minds while we sleep. They can be like adventures, and they come in different shapes and feelings.  Why do we dream? That's a tricky question, and we don't have a clear answer yet. 

Kate Yakimchuk research dreaming Psychology 19 October 2023

You've probably noticed that people who work night shifts often gain extra weight - but why does it happen? Scientists have discovered why working night shifts can affect a person's appetite. 

Kate Yakimchuk research appetite weight Psychology 17 October 2023

Owners of cats and dogs who sleep with their pets are more likely to suffer from sleep disorders than people without animals in the house. This is stated in an article published in the journal Human-Animal Interactions.

Diana Dashkevich pets cats Animals 16 October 2023
sleepless night

A new experiment shows the risks that night owls face when it comes to their health. Specialists found that adults with night owl sleep schedules had less healthy lifestyles and higher risks of developing diabetes than those with early-morning habits.

Kate Yakimchuk research diabetes habits Psychology 16 October 2023

In situations where you have to stay awake and work overnight for 16 hours, like during night shifts or if you're a new parent, taking strategic naps can help fight off drowsiness and stay alert.  Recent research suggests that scheduling two nap sessions works better than a single long nap.

Kate Yakimchuk research napping brain Psychology 16 October 2023

Anxiety can make a sleep disorder like insomnia worse, but difficulty sleeping can also make anxiety worse.

Diana Dashkevich mental health anxiety Psychology 12 October 2023
sad teen

Helping teenagers who are "night owls" get better sleep and align with their school schedules can be a big boost for their mental health.  Many school systems aren't designed for students who naturally stay up late and wake up late, and this can lead to problems like depression, especially in teens. 

Kate Yakimchuk research teenagers depression Psychology 9 October 2023

There are many things that can cause stress. Stress can arise from daily or weekly demands related to work or family, as well as sudden life changes (such as illness or job loss).

Diana Dashkevich mental health stress depression Psychology 5 October 2023

Sleep paralysis is quite common. It affects about 7% of the population.

Diana Dashkevich mental health sleep patterns facts Psychology 28 September 2023

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, having a dog in the home increased the owner's likelihood of having a sleep disorder, and cat owners were more likely to report involuntary leg twitching.

Diana Dashkevich pets cats dogs pets facts Animals 27 September 2023

A new study has found that night owls - people who prefer to go to bed and wake up later - may be more prone to certain health risks.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts Psychology 21 September 2023

Research shows that playing with a dog can improve mood, that reading to a pet can help children overcome learning development problems, that pets can reduce their owners' levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol, and that owning a pet can improve physical performance.

Diana Dashkevich pets pets facts Animals 20 September 2023

Have you ever tried to catch up on sleep just to be woken up by your cat? They sometimes wake their owners up for no particular reason, and they clearly don't respect your right to sleep for a bit longer on weekends.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets habits Animals 20 September 2023
sleeping man

Quality sleep matters - but not everyone can afford proper sleep due to different circumstances. A recent study examined the sleep habits of people in Asia compared to those in Europe and North America, using data from over 220,000 users of a sleep-tracking device called the Oura Ring. 

Kate Yakimchuk research schedule Psychology 17 September 2023