

Grease and carbon deposits are some of the most difficult contaminants. In this article, we will tell you how to remove these stains using vinegar.

cleaning cleaning tips lifehacks old stains Housekeeping April 9, 2024

In this article, we will tell you whether it is dangerous to cook in a frying pan with a damaged surface.

cooking cooking tips health facts Kitchen March 21, 2024

The most ergonomic option is location in the washing area. Nevertheless, don’t rush to send the device to the wall cabinet.

organization interior tips interior mistakes House Design February 7, 2024

The faster you wash the dishes, the better – that's how you can avoid germs, bad smell, and stubborn dirt. Meanwhile, you can't always wash a frying man quickly, and you can't scrub it because of the non-stick surface.

cleaning tips frying pan stains tips Housekeeping January 22, 2024

In every country, you can find some amazing and delicious dishes that can tell you a lot about local culture and traditions. If you've ever visited Germany, then you know that these people have lots of amazing snacks and bakeries to impress tourists!

cuisine cooking tips food facts ideas Kitchen January 9, 2024

It might be hard to clean old and dirty pots, but it's even harder when they're rusty. Some people prefer to throw these items away immediately, but others try to save them.

rust cleaning tips cooking pots Housekeeping December 30, 2023

If you have any doubt about which dishes can be washed in the dishwasher, it is very easy to dispel it. Manufacturers always put a pictogram on them, indicating that they can be cleaned in the dishwasher. This icon is located on the bottom of the cookware.

dishwasher washing the dishes washing tips cleaning tips Housekeeping December 26, 2023

A microwave oven is an extremely convenient kitchen appliance, but it has some limitations. For instance, there are a few types of dishes you can't use in it - it can be dangerous!

microwave safety measures danger oven Housekeeping December 26, 2023

Sometimes we forget to buy things we need, and it becomes quite hard to do our basic cleaning routine. If you suddenly noticed that you forgot to buy dishwashing liquid, but you have to wash the dishes, then you still can do it!

washing dishes dishwashing liquid cleaning tips Housekeeping December 23, 2023

Soda (sodium bicarbonate). Prepare an aqueous solution at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate per 1 liter of hot liquid and place plates in it. Leave for 1 hour. Then wipe with a kitchen sponge and rinse under running tap.

washing washing the dishes cleaning tips Housekeeping December 15, 2023

If you're actually interested in different countries' cuisines, then you should definitely learn more about various Asian dishes. For instance, China is full of unusual and exotic food, and that's why foodies love visiting it so much.

food cuisine Kitchen November 21, 2023

First, it’s worth understanding how a thermal mug differs from a thermos. Essentially this is the same thermos, only smaller. Typically, the volume of such a container averages from 250 ml to 700 ml.

eco tips ecology Housekeeping November 8, 2023

The most common reason why food burns is poor quality cookware. It would seem that the frying pan is only 1-2 months old; it cannot be damaged. But, unfortunately, with active use, the low-quality surface of cheap frying pans very quickly becomes unusable.

cleaning cleaning tips Housekeeping October 27, 2023
chicken feet

People eat meat all over the world, and they usually choose the most obvious and meaty parts to cook. Meanwhile, some unusual recipes from different countries might include pretty unobvious body parts, so no meat is wasted.

food meat cuisine Kitchen October 15, 2023

Immerse the dishes in hot water with soap or mild detergent and scrub with a sponge or cloth. If you need to effectively clean an old or very dirty copper item, boil it briefly in water with the addition of vinegar and a couple of tablespoons of table salt.

cleaning washing cleaning tips Housekeeping October 10, 2023

If you don't have a dishwasher, then it might take lots of time and effort to clean lots of dishes daily. Even if you really dislike washing them, there are a few tips on how you can wash the dishes quickly and effectively.

washing tips Housekeeping October 7, 2023

Dishwashers can spread germs if not used correctly. They should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other pathogens.

cleaning advices tips Housekeeping October 6, 2023

Clay is non-toxic and completely safe. Even babies can be fed from clay plates and cups.

materials cleaning Housekeeping October 4, 2023

Moder people often don't have time or energy to wash their dishes, and that's when a good dishwasher can come handy. A dishwasher can clean dishes pretty well, but it might not always be as good as washing them by hand. 

dishwasher tips Housekeeping September 21, 2023

When choosing utensils for tea, you should pay attention to what kind of tea you want to brew in this utensil.

kitchen utensils tea materials House Design September 1, 2023