

Sometimes cats can be more aggressive because they need time to get used to you. In this article, we will tell you how to quickly make friends with a non-contact animal.

pets cats pets facts animal care Animals April 27, 2024

Aggression is a common phenomenon in children. In this article, we will tell you how to help your child cope with his aggression.

children child development emotions mental health Psychology April 15, 2024

Food aggression is common in cats. In this article, we will tell you why this happens.

pets pets facts cats animal care Animals March 14, 2024

Sometimes cats can be extremely aggressive and even cause physical harm to their owner. In this article, we will tell you why cats scratch and what to do about it.

pets cats pets facts Animals February 18, 2024

Biting isn't always about aggression – lots of pets just play this way, and sometimes they don't know the limits. Meanwhile, if your cat's biting becomes a problem, then it's time to do something about it.

cats training pets facts biting behavior Animals January 22, 2024

In cartoons and fairy tales, lots of animals and birds are portrayed as intelligent and friendly, often demonstrating some human qualities. Meanwhile, real life is often far from cartoons – so these animals might not be as friendly as you might expect them to be.

wild animals nature danger animal facts Animals January 12, 2024

Aggression is often seen as a negative emotion, leading to conflicts and violence. However, it serves a purpose in many species for survival. Managing your aggression is important.

research anger management behavior self-control Psychology January 10, 2024

If you often feel like your head is about to explode, and you become really, really angry - then you might have a problem. There might be different reasons why people become aggressive, but there are a few tips that can help most people.

self care anger management tips calmness Psychology December 28, 2023

If you have a kitten, then be ready for scratches on your feet and legs - most kittens attack them! While it's a playful habit, it might also be quite painful and unexpected for some people.

cats training kittens pet habits attack Animals December 27, 2023

Even the most popular domestic birds like geese can be quite surprising because of their unique features. For example, geese are known for their quite aggressive behavior, and they can be even more aggressive than roosters.

geese bird facts nature animal facts Animals December 26, 2023

Pets can have preferences - and sometimes it's hard to understand why they like or dislike some people around them. If your pet dislikes one family member, but you're sure that they've never harmed them, then it's time to look for solutions.

pets facts pet owners family behavior Animals December 21, 2023

Aggression is often seen as a bad thing, leading to problems like fighting and violence. But aggression is a natural behavior found in many animals, including humans. It can be important for survival.

anger management research science emotions Psychology December 13, 2023

Some pets can become great friends, but sometimes they fight - and it can be a huge problem for pet owners. You can't isolate two fighting cats forever, so you have to do something to stop them fighting.

pet fight cats training pets cats Animals December 2, 2023

Cats can have different personalities, just like people - so you never know what type of cat you have until it becomes an adult. Meanwhile, some cats can be quite aggressive and unfriendly, and it's not always easy to understand why they tend to behave this way.

domestic cats pets pets facts tips Animals December 1, 2023

Cats tend to be quite random sometimes, and it also affects their random bursts of aggression. Sometimes you can easily understand when your cat is pissed off, but sometimes it happens completely unexpectedly.

cats pets personality Animals November 25, 2023

Dogs can be quite aggressive, but some dogs only act that way towards other animals, especially other dogs. If your dog is like that, then it probably has high levels of zoo aggression - so you have to do something about it.

pets dogs training Animals November 14, 2023
dog aviary

Dogs aren't normally kept in cages or aviaries, but sometimes it might be extremely useful. It's especially beneficial if your dog isn't well-trained, or has discipline issues that you can't fix quickly.

pets dogs aviary training Animals October 12, 2023
aggressive dog

Dog training isn't all about tricks - it's also about your pet's behavior, especially when it's aggressive or anxious. Lots of good dogs become pretty aggressive and protective when their favorite food is around, and it can be quite unsafe for people.

pets dogs habits tips Animals October 11, 2023
angry cat

If your neighbor has an aggressive cat, or your own new cat seems to be not exactly friendly, it can be pretty heartbreaking for a keen cat lover. Luckily, you can change the situation and befriend this aggressive cat - you just need to be patient and caring, no pressure or hurry.

pets cats tips friendship Animals October 1, 2023