

White cabbage has a delicate herbaceous flavor with sweet notes. However, early cabbage may have a bitter taste due to the high sulfur content in the mineral and organic compounds in its composition. What are the benefits of cabbage Dietary fiber removes cholesterol from the body and prevents the formation of gallstones. Fiber cleanses of waste and toxins. Cabbage is popular during the flu and cold season as it has an expectorant effect. Also rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. Potassium salts are responsible for removing excess fluid, so cabbage is recommended to be consumed if you have kidney problems. Potassium has an expectorant effect, so it is believed that cabbage helps to cope with colds faster. Eating fresh, raw white cabbage has a positive effect on the health of the digestive system. It contains fiber, which improves intestinal motility and prevents constipation. In addition, it contains sulforaphane, which is an antioxidant and protects the intestines from damage. Is it possible to eat cabbage at night Scientists note that before bed you can eat fruits and vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment. The most useful product in this case is cabbage, which speeds up the work of the stomach, preventing it from shutting down prematurely and not completely processing food.

Diana Dashkevich vegetables cabbage health Cooking 2 October 2023

Honey develops logic and speech apparatus thanks to the iron in its composition. Iron affects the capabilities of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking and speech. Iron-rich honey helps stimulate cognitive activity and prevent cognitive disorders.

Diana Dashkevich honey food health Cooking 1 October 2023

Raw beets are rich in iodine, calcium and potassium, which are beneficial for the health of capillaries, vessel walls, thyroid gland, and liver.

Diana Dashkevich vegetables food health Cooking 1 October 2023

Eating just one serving of apples or pears per week was associated with a 3% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Diana Dashkevich fruits pear health Cooking 29 September 2023

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body: the adult body contains about 1-1.2 kg. About 99% of calcium is involved in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth.Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body: the adult body contains about 1-1.2 kg. About 99% of calcium is involved in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth.

Diana Dashkevich food nutrition health Cooking 29 September 2023

Compared to other vegetables, carrots are also associated with lower body mass index and lower rates of obesity, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients in 2021.

Diana Dashkevich vegetables carrot health Cooking 28 September 2023

Potassium is an electrolyte important for heart and bone health, muscle and nerve function, and more.

Diana Dashkevich food health facts Cooking 22 September 2023

Watercress is a natural source of one of the best-known immune-supporting nutrients: vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency is associated with weakened immunity and a higher likelihood of infections.

Diana Dashkevich greens health facts Cooking 20 September 2023
orange juice

Fruit juices often seem natural and full of vitamins, but it's not always the case. While they can be relatively healthy when compared to other sugar drinks, it doesn't mean they are exactly good for you.

Kate Yakimchuk juice fruits health Cooking 25 August 2023

This healthy root vegetable contains vitamins A and C, B vitamins, folic acid, iodine, boron, manganese, potassium and iron. This vegetable is a good source of fiber and is low in calories.

Diana Dashkevich vegetables healthy food health Cooking 19 August 2023

Each cup also contains 57% of the daily value of fiber and decent amounts of folic acid, iron, and potassium.

Diana Dashkevich food green peas health Cooking 17 August 2023

Grapefruits seem bitter only until you remove all the membranes and films. The flesh of the fruit itself has a pleasant sour-bitter-sweet taste. Soft and very delicate.

Diana Dashkevich fruits grapefruit health food facts Cooking 14 August 2023

Pomegranate juice is too concentrated, so it needs to be diluted with a little water. In the article you will learn about the beneficial properties of pomegranate juice.

Diana Dashkevich fruits juice health Cooking 13 August 2023

Acai is a nutrient-rich berry that grows in the Brazilian Amazon forests. It is considered one of the most powerful and nutritious berries on the planet, which has been eaten for centuries due to its beneficial properties. Raw Acai berries are slightly bitter.

Diana Dashkevich superfood berries health healthy food Cooking 12 August 2023

A green pigment present in algae and higher plants that is able to absorb light energy, which explains its important role in the process of photosynthesis. With the exception of Cyanophyta (blue-green algae), chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts.

Diana Dashkevich drinks health facts Cooking 10 August 2023

Yuzu is a plant of the genus Citrus, a natural hybrid of mandarin and Ichan lemon. Outwardly, it looks like a small grapefruit with uneven skin. The essential oil is obtained by distillation, the smell of the oil is reminiscent of tangerine, grapefruit and orange.

Diana Dashkevich fruits cooking food facts health Cooking 9 August 2023

Flaxseeds have a slightly nutty flavor and pleasant aftertaste, as well as high nutritional value. They are rich in vegetable fiber, help to strengthen the immune system.

Diana Dashkevich seeds health facts Cooking 9 August 2023

After drinking the drink, you need to rinse your teeth; Do not consume more than 3 glasses of cranberry juice per day; It is better to prepare a drink on your own or trust trusted manufacturers.

Diana Dashkevich drinks berries health facts Cooking 8 August 2023

Although the carrot's "slightly pungent", "nutty" flavor, and "juicy-crunchy" texture make it suitable for eating raw or cooked, some tasters consider it "noticeably more bitter" when cooked.

Diana Dashkevich vegetables carrot health healthy food Cooking 7 August 2023

Sea buckthorn Orange or red sea buckthorn berries have a dense pulp covered with thin skin, with a specific taste: it is rather bitter and sour and leaves a long aftertaste. Some varieties, more often red-fruited, contain a hint of grapes in the aroma, which improves the taste of berries.

Diana Dashkevich berries health food facts Cooking 6 August 2023