

Red rice is not only a healthy product. If you prepare it following simple rules, it will amaze even the most sophisticated gourmet. The delicate sweetish taste of rice with notes of jasmine and almonds (sometimes with a taste of rye bread) goes well with fruits, dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, meat, fish, seafood and mushrooms.

health health facts nutrition nutrition facts Kitchen February 5, 2024

We all know that brown rice is healthier than white rice - it is a whole grain rich in fiber. In addition, fiber lowers cholesterol, controls blood sugar and regulates digestion.

brown rice healthy food cooking cooking tips Kitchen January 12, 2024

High-quality rice does not have any odor, such as sourness or other foods stored next to it, even though it is a strong absorbent.

health health facts nutrition nutrition facts Kitchen January 11, 2024

Boiled or steamed rice can be an amazing source of carbohydrates, and also a great addition to fish, meat, vegetables. Meanwhile, lots of people dislike eating plain rice, because it's tasteless – it requires sauces and spices!

paella cooking tips cooking ideas grains Kitchen January 11, 2024

Rice milk is a low-calorie, hypoallergenic product with a delicate sweet taste. The drink was created using a special technology that preserves beneficial vitamins and microelements contained in rice. Enriched with calcium, does not contain lactose and harmful fats.

milk cooking tips nutrition nutrition facts Kitchen January 2, 2024

Black rice, also known as wild rice, has a different taste from regular traditional rice. Exotic rice has a delicate nutty aroma with a sweetish taste.

food vitamins healthy food food facts Kitchen December 1, 2023
rice cooker

If you love rice and want to cook it regularly, then it's time to think about buying a convenient gadget that can make your life easier. Nowadays, you can easily find great multi cookers, or even special rice cookers, and use them specifically for rice.

cooking gadgets choosing Kitchen November 4, 2023

While there are plenty of different sorts of rice available, most people tend to buy only one or two of them, simply because they're familiar with them. Meanwhile, different sorts of rice can have different tastes and textures, which make them more suitable for different dishes.

cooking recipe tips food Kitchen October 31, 2023
fried rice

Do you usually fry uncooked rice in a pan before boiling it? If not, then you might want to try it - this method has plenty of benefits and can make your dishes taste way better!

food cooking tips Kitchen October 23, 2023

Rice cakes can be a healthy snack for weight loss if you choose plain brown rice cakes, which are a source of fiber, minerals and vitamins.

healthy food food facts Kitchen October 20, 2023

Risotto is an amazing dish that can be extremely versatile - you just need to be a bit more creative when cooking it. While rice is essential, other ingredients are pretty much replaceable, so you can experiment with the dish a lot.

risotto cooking recipe ideas Kitchen October 15, 2023

Brown is called rice that is less refined than white: the bran shell remains on the grains, making them tougher, but at the same time providing special nutritional value and giving the rice a nutty taste and smell.

food healthy food health Kitchen September 12, 2023
brown rice

Brown rice and white rice have different nutritional profiles due to their processing methods. Whether one is significantly healthier than the other depends on individual dietary preferences and nutritional needs. 

food health Kitchen August 27, 2023
fried rice

Pairing vegetables with rice can create a balanced and delicious meal. These combinations can be perfectly healthy and also delicious, just as healthy food should be.

vegetables food tips Kitchen August 23, 2023
poke bowl

Have you ever been cooking rice for a long time only to find out that it's still hard? Rice remaining hard after boiling for a long time can occur due to a few different reasons, primarily related to the type of rice being used, the cooking method, and the water-to-rice ratio. 

tips cooking mistakes Kitchen August 15, 2023

White and brown rice are different in terms of their appearance, taste, nutritional content, and processing methods.  These differences arise from the way they are processed and the parts of the rice grain that are retained during that process.

brown rice white rice healthy food healthy diet Kitchen July 21, 2023

Have you ever been annoyed at how freshly cooked rice sticks to your pot? It happens pretty often, and it makes it way harder to clean the pot after.

cooking mistakes cooking tips Kitchen July 10, 2023

Rice is an amazing base for many dishes all over the world, and it often tastes differently in different cuisines. If you're bored with plain rice, then you can try making it more exotic and enjoyable.

risoto cooking tips Kitchen July 6, 2023

Rice is one of the healthiest and tastiest options for most people. Plain rice can be too boring and blend, but good seasoning can improve its taste a lot.

cooking tips spices seasoning Kitchen June 8, 2023
brown rice

Brown rise is a healthier side dish for vegetables, meat and fish. In addition, rice can be used to prepare independent dishes: risotto, paella, arancini.

cooking tips Kitchen April 22, 2023