

Grapes are not only tasty, they also help strengthen the body.

fruits vitamins nutrition facts food facts Kitchen December 26, 2023

Grapes love sunlight and proper care - these things can help you grow and collect amazing grape harvest. Meanwhile, some sorts of grapes are relatively low-maintenance, so they are perfect for new gardeners.

varieties maintenance tips gardening Garden November 23, 2023

Vineyards need lots of sun - that's a rule, because most grape varieties need at least 6 hours of sun a day. Meanwhile, you can still try making a vineyard in your garden, even if you don't always have lots of sun - you just need to know some tricks.

vineyard gardening sunlight Garden November 18, 2023

Most garden plants need sun to grow, but some plants need even more sunlight to thrive. For instance, grapes should get at least 3-6 hours of sun a day, and some varieties need even more, but it's not always possible.

sunlight tips gardening Garden October 30, 2023

Grapes are an excellent source of phytonutrients, mainly phenols and polyphenols, containing vitamins A, C, K and B6. Grapes are also rich in thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folate, and contain minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium).

fruits health Kitchen October 16, 2023

Grapes can be extremely versatile - they can be sweet and sour, they can contain seeds or not. If you only like sweet grapes, then you have to know how to choose them correctly.

fruits choosing tips food Kitchen September 30, 2023

If you love making home-made wine, or would like to try making it on your own, then you need perfect grapes. It's even more enjoyable when you know that these are grapes from your own garden - it always tastes better!

wine gardening choosing Garden September 22, 2023

According to taste, grape varieties can be divided into four groups: ordinary taste, muscat taste, nightshade taste and isabella taste. Grapes are often used in cooking to make salads, syrups, jellies and jams.

berries health food facts Kitchen September 16, 2023

Grapes require specific conditions to thrive, but this plant is generally not the hardest to grow. Myths and misconceptions about grape growing have persisted for centuries. 

gardening myths Garden September 2, 2023

If you have a vineyard, then you need to know some tips n how to make it healthy. Creating a thriving vineyard requires careful planning, consistent care, and a deep understanding of viticulture practices. 

vineyard gardening tips Garden August 24, 2023

The most useful are dark varieties - red and blue. Dark grape varieties are a storehouse of iron, thanks to which they maintain a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood.

berries health Kitchen August 16, 2023

Grapes are a tasty berry that you can grow yourself. In the article you will learn how to do it.

berries gardening plants tips plants care Garden July 19, 2023

Grapes can be either very sweet or very sour, depending on the variety and the growing conditions. If you are new to gardening, then you are probably making a few mistakes that prevent you from harvesting the sweetest harvest.

gardening tips gardening mistakes Garden June 18, 2023

If your grapes look sick and lifeless, then you do something wrong. Grapes aren't the easiest to grow, so you need to pay attention to possible mistakes.

planting gardening tips mistakes Garden June 4, 2023