

People who want to lose some extra weight or just try eating healthily often avoid potatoes because they are believed to be unhealthy. In fact, potatoes can be a perfect low-cal option for those who want to manage their weight – you just have to know how to cook them!

potatoes cooking tips healthy diet tips Kitchen January 30, 2024

When you have a birthday party, then you might need a cake – it's a universal tradition that most people follow. Meanwhile, if you want to manage your weight, or simply make a low-cal version of a birthday cake, then you can do it and still get a delicious cake.

birthday cake cooking tips dieting dessert Kitchen January 29, 2024

To manage your weight successfully, you don't have to cut off all your favorite dishes – it's often enough to cook them differently. For instance, delicious risotto can contain fewer calories, but still be delicious, and you just need to alter the recipe a bit.

cooking ideas weight management risotto dieting Kitchen January 27, 2024

When counting calories, lots of people tend to miscalculate the number of calories they consume daily. It's not like they're bad at math – some calories are just hidden, and people often forget about them.

healthy food body weight nutrition overeating Kitchen January 19, 2024

Restricting calories can improve health and make you live longer, but scientists don't fully understand how it protects the brain. Scientists have made an exciting discovery regarding a gene called OXR1, which has a significant impact on extending lifespan and promoting healthy brain aging through dietary restriction.

research aging healthy diet health facts Kitchen January 12, 2024

If you love noodles and try new things regularly, then you should definitely try shirataki noodles! They can taste great, and they also have some amazing features making them not only tasty, but also beneficial.

noodles shirataki weight management healthy food Kitchen December 19, 2023

When we're stressed or exhausted, we often want to eat something comforting - it's a part of normal human behavior. Meanwhile, if you keep your diet healthy, you can't always eat something that is high in calories - but there are still tasty options for you!

healthy food comfort cooking dieting Kitchen December 15, 2023

New research shows that the weight of a person affects how and when their bodies burn energy. A new experiment discovered that individuals with a healthy body weight tend to use more energy during the day when they are active, while individuals with obesity use more energy at night when they are sleeping.

research obesity calorie burning body weight Kitchen November 28, 2023

Not only meat or grains, but also salads can be quite fulfilling. The best thing about salads is that you can mix and improvise with them a lot to achieve amazing taste and nutritious content.

salad health nutrition recipe Kitchen November 25, 2023

When thinking of holidays and gathering with friends and family members, people often think about a huge holiday feast. Holidays are the perfect time to eat lots of delicious things, but you should still be mindful of what and how much you eat.

food holidays health nutrition Kitchen November 20, 2023

Mayonnaise can be delicious, especially when it's home-cooked, and that's why it's widely used in many dishes. The thing is, it's too high in calories to eat it regularly, so people who keep their diets healthy look for low-cal alternatives.

sauce mayonnaise mustard dieting Kitchen November 15, 2023

Lots of people love drinking beer occasionally - it's refreshing, light, and it seems that you can drink a lot of it easily. Meanwhile, even though beer doesn't contain lots of alcohol, it's basically the worst drink you can choose if you want to lose some weight.

beer alcohol dieting Kitchen November 12, 2023

If you love mayo, then you can always try cooking a home-made version - it's quite easy, and it also tastes way better! The main issue is that mayo is high in calories, but you should eat it quickly before it goes off.

sauce mayonnaise recipe cooking Kitchen November 9, 2023

Pasta is a comforting meal that can make you feel full and satisfied for hours.  The thing is, it's pretty high in calories, so it's better to adjust the recipe a bit to make it healthier.

pasta nutrition tips Kitchen November 1, 2023
pumpkin soup

Soups are your best solution when you want to eat something fulfilling and healthy - that's because of the volume and warmth they provide. The best thing is that you can also make them low-cal, so they can be actually useful for losing weight while staying full.

soup cooking recipe ideas Kitchen October 26, 2023

If you want to have a nice fulfilling dinner, but you don't want to consume too many calories, then you should choose your meals wisely. There are plenty of low-cal options you can cook and eat, and these meals can actually be fulfilling.

food dieting ideas Kitchen October 20, 2023

When trying to lose weight, lots of people choose to stick to huge caloric deficits hoping to lose weight faster. Unfortunately, this approach has plenty of negative aspects, and it can damage your body a lot.

dieting health nutrition Kitchen October 17, 2023

Counting calories can actually help - especially to those people who find it hard to control their portions or what they consume. Meanwhile, you need to do it correctly - and lots of people make mistakes when counting their calories.

mistakes dieting health Kitchen September 25, 2023
a man with a jar

Tracking everything you eat and drink can be a hassle, especially when you're trying to lose weight.  However, a new study suggests that you don't have to be perfect at it to lose a significant amount of weight.

research weight Kitchen September 24, 2023

Nowadays, most people use calories as a convenient method to measure how much energy you can get from food. The concept isn't actually exactly new - people have been using them for a few centuries now.

food history Kitchen September 16, 2023