Make your pasta low-cal: Nutritionist's tips

01.11.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Pasta is a comforting meal that can make you feel full and satisfied for hours. 

The thing is, it's pretty high in calories, so it's better to adjust the recipe a bit to make it healthier.

Here's how you can do it.

Watch the Portion Size

Be mindful of how much pasta you put on your plate. Using a smaller plate can help control portion sizes. 

A standard serving size is around 2 ounces of dry pasta, about the size of a small fist.


Use Tomato-Based Sauces

Tomato-based sauces, like marinara or arrabbiata, are generally lower in calories compared to creamy sauces. 

They provide flavor without the extra calories.

Add Veggies

Incorporate plenty of vegetables into your pasta dishes. 

Options like spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, or bell peppers not only add nutritional value but also bulk up your meal, making it more filling without loading on calories.

Use Lean Protein

If you want to add protein to your pasta, choose lean options like grilled chicken, turkey, or lean ground meat. 

This makes your meal more satisfying without excess calories.

Cook Al Dente

When cooking pasta, aim to cook it "al dente," which means it's slightly firm when you bite into it. 

This not only offers a better texture but also has a lower glycemic index, which means it's less likely to cause a spike in blood sugar.

Read Labels

If you're using pre-made sauces or packaged pasta dishes, check the food labels. 

Choose options with lower calories per serving and be mindful of serving sizes.

That's how you can enjoy your pasta while keeping the calorie count in check, making it a healthier and more balanced meal.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Watch the Portion Size
  2. Use Tomato-Based Sauces
  3. Add Veggies
  4. Use Lean Protein
  5. Cook Al Dente
  6. Read Labels