Popular mistakes while making cakes: Fix them to make amazing desserts

06.04.2023 09:10

If you're new to baking, then you probably make some of these mistakes while making cakes.

Though your cakes might still be tasty, you can make them truly delicious.

Here are some popular examples of what can go wrong.

Incorrect Measuring

Using the wrong measurements or not leveling off ingredients properly can throw off the balance of the recipe. 

To avoid this, use measuring cups and spoons specifically designed for dry and liquid ingredients, level off measurements with a straight edge, and follow the recipe's instructions precisely.


Opening the Oven Door Too Often

It can be tempting to check on the cake's progress by opening the oven door, but doing so can cause temperature fluctuations, affecting the cake's rise and texture. 

Keep the oven door closed until the cake is almost done to maintain a consistent temperature.

Overbaking or Underbaking

Overbaking can result in a dry and tough cake, while underbaking can lead to a dense and gooey center. 

Follow the recipe's suggested baking time as a guideline and use a toothpick or cake tester to check. 

The toothpick should come out clean or with a few crumbs clinging to it, indicating that the cake is cooked through.

Frosting the Cake While It's Warm

Applying frosting or icing to a warm cake can cause it to melt and slide off. 

It's important to allow the cake to cool completely before frosting to ensure the icing sets properly and stays in place.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Incorrect Measuring
  2. Opening the Oven Door Too Often
  3. Overbaking or Underbaking
  4. Frosting the Cake While It's Warm