How to plant mango seed: Note to gardeners

07.05.2024 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

After enjoying a delicious mango, remove the flesh to expose the large seed inside.

Rinse the seed thoroughly to remove any clinging fruit.

Soak the Seed

Place the seed in a cup of water and let it soak for 24 hours.

Prepare a Damp Paper Towel

Moisten a paper towel, ensuring it’s damp but not soaking wet.

Wrap the seed in the paper towel.


Create a Mini Greenhouse

Put the seed and paper towel inside a sandwich bag.

Store it in a warm place.

Monitor Germination

Check the seed’s progress every few days.

Germination time depends on air temperature and the mango’s ripeness when the seed was extracted.

Plant in Potting Soil

Once the seed sprouts, plant it in potting soil.

Be careful not to cover the new leaves.

Sit back and watch your mango tree grow!

This plant won’t be identical to the parent tree.

Polyembryonic Seeds

Contain many embryos, all clones of the parent except for one.

The first sprout is usually the fertilized seedling.

You can keep or discard the non-clone shoot to ensure identical fruit production.

Remember, growing a mango tree from seed is a rewarding experiment, even if it doesn’t produce fruit! 

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Soak the Seed
  2. Prepare a Damp Paper Towel
  3. Create a Mini Greenhouse
  4. Monitor Germination
  5. Plant in Potting Soil
  6. Polyembryonic Seeds