Roll baking mistakes: How to make nice and delicious rolls

24.06.2023 09:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Rolls can be a great addition to your everyday menu, because they are comparatively easy to make, and they taste delicious.

Meanwhile, if you're new to baking, then you might make a few mistakes that can ruin the dish.

Here are some of them.


Allowing the dough to rise for too long can result in overproofing. 

This can cause the rolls to become overly puffy and lose their structure. 



On the other hand, underproofing occurs when the dough doesn't have enough time to rise properly. 

This can result in dense and heavy rolls. 

Incorrect yeast activation

Using water that is too hot can kill the yeast, while water that is too cold may not activate it enough. 

Using old or expired yeast

Using expired yeast or yeast that has been stored for too long can lead to poor rising and affect the overall quality of the rolls. 

Incorrect measuring of ingredients

Precision in measuring ingredients is crucial in baking. 

Using too much or too little flour, for example, can impact the texture and structure of the rolls. 

Improper shaping

How the dough is shaped can affect the appearance and texture of the rolls. 

If the rolls are not shaped uniformly or if they are not sealed properly, they may not bake evenly or maintain their desired shape. 


Leaving the rolls in the oven for too long can result in dry and overly browned rolls. Keep an eye on the baking time and check for the desired color and texture. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overproofing
  2. Underproofing
  3. Incorrect yeast activation
  4. Using old or expired yeast
  5. Incorrect measuring of ingredients
  6. Improper shaping
  7. Overbaking