Roast beef cooking mistakes: Fix them to cook an amazing dish

19.06.2023 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Roast beef is one of the most popular meat dishes, so if you don't want to go to a restaurant every time you want to taste it, then you need to know how to cook it by yourself.

Though it's not the hardest dish to cook, people still make lots of mistakes while cooking it.

Here are some of them.


You need to check the internal temperature of the meat with a special meat thermometer and remove it from your oven only when it reaches the needed doneness.

Not using a meat thermometer

Using a meat thermometer ensures that the roast beef is cooked to the appropriate temperature, whether it's rare, medium-rare, medium, or well-done.


Failure to properly season

Don't forget to season the dish generously, and also use additional herbs or spices before cooking.

Lack of resting time

Resting helps the juices to redistribute within the beef, making its structure juicier and more tender.

Incorrect slicing technique

Slicing the meat against the grain helps to make sure that each slice is tender and easy to chew.

Inadequate searing

Make sure to preheat the pan or skillet well and sear the beef on all sides until it develops a browned exterior.

Not using a good roasting rack

Placing the roast beef directly on the baking pan without a roasting rack can lead to uneven cooking and a soggy bottom.

Using the wrong temperature

Cooking meat at too high or too low of an oven temperature can result in uneven cooking.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overcooking
  2. Not using a meat thermometer
  3. Failure to properly season
  4. Lack of resting time
  5. Incorrect slicing technique
  6. Inadequate searing
  7. Not using a good roasting rack
  8. Using the wrong temperature