

Feral cats don't get fat - they simply can't consume more energy than they need to hunt and survive. Meanwhile, this problem is pretty common among domestic cats, because their owners simply love them too much.

Kate Yakimchuk research weight health pets Animals 21 November 2023

If you have to leave for a day, then you should make sure your pets are safe and comfortable without you. It's not only about food or water - there are also other things that can make or break the safety of your house.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats safety tips Animals 4 November 2023

Sometimes cats love sleeping on their owners' laptops - for some reason, they find it warm and cozy. While sometimes it can't damage your laptop in any way, sometimes it can cause problems, so it's better to stop you cat from doing it.

Kate Yakimchuk pets habits laptop cats Animals 19 October 2023

Let's imagine that your guests are to arrive soon, and you have no time for a proper house cleaning. You look at your couch just to see that it's covered in cat hair, and your guests wearing black clothes won't be too happy - so what should you do?

Kate Yakimchuk hair cleaning furniture tips Helpful tips 15 September 2023

Many people (especially dog owners) are often surprised by how easily cats ignore their owner's commands. This does not mean that cats are less intelligent than dogs - they are just different, so their behavior is not what you would expect from a trained dog.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts communication Animals 27 June 2023

Has your cat ever knocked a glass of water off the table? If the answer is yes, then know that many cats do the same thing - not only to annoy their owners, but also because their instincts tell them to do it.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts Animals 13 June 2023

Cats may have different preferences, but most of them do not like citrus fruits. Some cat owners even use the zest or juice to train their pets to avoid certain places in the house.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts Animals 11 June 2023

Cats are naturally crepuscular animals, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk.  But lots of pet cats prefer to stay awake with their owners, and go to sleep at night. 

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets pets facts Animals 11 June 2023

Scientists claim that there's no direct evidence that cats prefer female owners over male ones. Though it depends on your pet's unique character, it's still deeper than you might think.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets pets facts Animals 4 June 2023

Most pet owners are convinced that natural always means the best, but natural cat food has both good and bad sides.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts Animals 3 June 2023

You've probably seen lots of funny videos where cats are terrified of cucumbers placed behind them when they don't expect it. While it's funny to watch, it's also curious why cats have such reaction to harmless plants.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts pets Animals 3 June 2023

Cats can be extremely playful creatures, especially when they're kittens. Some cats love attacking their tails, and sometimes they seem to be very serious about it.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts pets Animals 2 June 2023

Cats love warmth a lot, so they often look for sunlight or heaters around the house. But isn't their fur enough to keep them warm?

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts pets Animals 1 June 2023

You might think that cats are very clean animals, and that's true - they groom their fur a lot, so they look pretty clean. However, there are some situations where you might need to wash your cat.

Kate Yakimchuk pets facts pets Animals 30 May 2023

Contrary to popular belief, cats should generally avoid drinking milk, especially cow's milk. Here are a few reasons why milk is strongly not recommended as a regular part of a cat's diet.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts Animals 30 May 2023

You may have noticed that your cat loves drinking from your cup, even when its water bowl is full. There are few reasons of why these animals prefer to drink from their owners' cups.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts Animals 30 May 2023

Being gentle and emotional animals, cats demonstrate their mood with their behavior. If you see these signs, then it means that your pet friend is happy around you.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets Animals 30 May 2023

Cats always seek warmth - both physically and emotionally. There are a few reasons why your pet likes lying on your chest so much.

Kate Yakimchuk cats communication Animals 26 May 2023

Many cat lovers don't know their pets as well as they think

Diana Dashkevich pets animals facts Animals 3 April 2023