alcohol issue


In England, a study found that when 21 places stopped offering the biggest size of wine, they sold less wine overall. The researchers wanted to see if making the sizes of alcoholic drinks smaller could help people drink less.

Kate Yakimchuk research serving size alcohol health Psychology 27 January 2024

Some drugs can be not only effective, but also have multiple purposes, and help to fight different problems. According to a new study, drugs used to treat Type 2 diabetes and obesity may reduce cravings for alcohol.

Kate Yakimchuk research diabetes meds health facts Cooking 13 January 2024

Drinking alcohol for a long time can change the brain, especially in the "bed nucleus of the stria terminalis", an important area for stress and alcohol use. Scientists found that a peptide called pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide is linked to heavy drinking.

Kate Yakimchuk research brain activity treatment therapy Psychology 16 December 2023