Последние новости за 26 августа 2023 года

angry cat

Cats have unique personalities and behaviors, and it's important to remember that not all cats will display the same signs of liking or disliking someone.  However, there are some common cues that might indicate a cat is uncomfortable or dislikes a person. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats aggression signs Animals

Сегодня воскресенье, 27 августа 2023 года. 239-й день года по григорианскому календарю. До окончания года остается 126 дней.

Елена Шимановская Луна календарь церковь история народные приметы Праздники
pet owner

We all love pets for different reasons, but it's hard to deny that they can impact our mental health a lot. Pets can provide significant emotional support and help individuals combat stress in various ways. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets owners stress well-being Animals
boy reading

Children diagnosed with dyslexia exhibit heightened emotional reactivity compared to children without dyslexia. Published in Cortex, the study found that children with dyslexia displayed increased physiological and behavioral responses while watching emotional videos, showing the stronger connection in the brain's salience network, which supports emotion generation and also self-awareness.

Kate Yakimchuk research dyslexia children emotions Psychology

Rats can be given protein in the form of unsalted meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, seafood.

Диана Дашкевич pet rats pets feeding animal care Animals

Причин, по которым кошки решили вступить в драку, не так уж мало.

Елена Шимановская коты кошки питомцы животные драка Минск
child painting

Resilience is a very important life skill, and it's surprising how seemingly non-related skills can help it. Teaching elementary school students to harness their creativity can enhance their resilience in facing real-life challenges, according to recent research. 

Kate Yakimchuk research children creativity resilience Psychology

Всем известно, что человеческое обоняние не сравнится с кошачьим, из-за чего мурлыки демонстрируют негативную реакцию на резкие запахи.

Елена Шимановская коты кошки питомцы запах запахи Минск
stressed woman

Pressure is overwhelming, and even strong people can feel exhausted when constantly pressed by other people's expectations and responsibilities. Feeling under pressure is a common experience, and there are several strategies you can employ to cope with and manage the situation effectively. 

Kate Yakimchuk stress well-being pressure Psychology

Busy people often don't have time to clean their houses properly, but it doesn't mean they don't need cleanliness at all. Even for busy individuals, maintaining a clean home holds significant importance for various practical, psychological, and health-related reasons. 

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips well-being Helpful tips

Не секрет, что при выборе постельного белья каждый из нас руководствуется своими желаниями и потребностями.

Елена Шимановская спальня белье антитренды рекомендации вкус советы дизайнера Минск

Экономист и директор по коммуникациям BltRiver Андрей Лобода высказался касательно курса американской валюты в сентябре.

Дмитрий Лискович курс доллара российский рубль экономика и бизнес Минск

Француженка Каедэ Убер практически слепая с рождения, однако у неё есть дар – она способна предсказывать будущее. 

Дмитрий Лискович пророчество Франция Европа Россия Минск

Разумеется, «раздвинуть» узкий коридор не удавалось еще никому, даже Дэвиду Копперфильду.

Елена Шимановская дизайн Интерьер дом квартира советы дизайнера Минск

As a syndrome, depersonalization develops against the background of various mental disorders. In mentally healthy people, the syndrome occurs as a reaction to a traumatic situation.

Диана Дашкевич mental health stress facts Psychology

Полноценная работа смартфона невозможна без зарядки, но делать это нужно правильно.

Дмитрий Лискович смартфон зарядка гаджеты Технологии

Wires and cables can significantly impact the aesthetics of interior design. It happens because they tend to introduce visual clutter and disrupt the clean and organized look of a space. 

Kate Yakimchuk cables wires interior mistakes House Design

Style-mixing in interior design allows you to create unique and personalized spaces that blend different design aesthetics.  While it's a creative way to express your taste, it's important to follow some rules to ensure a harmonious and visually appealing result. 

Kate Yakimchuk style interior tips House Design