How air pollution affects babies: Cognitive deficits can appear because of bad quality of air

23.06.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

We all know that bad air affects our health, but the newest research published on ELife claims that it can hurt babies even more.

When they are young and vulnerable, bad quality of air can make their cognitive abilities worse.

Let's learn more about the research.

Where the information comes from

A new study from the University of East Anglia suggests that poor air quality can often lead to cognitive deficits in little babies .

The study was conducted in rural India, and it found a link between impaired cognition in infants who were just two or less, and the air quality.


Previous research had shown the link between air pollution and cognitive problems in kids, but this study is the first to focus on infants when their brains are at a critical developmental stage.

How scientists got their information

The researchers also used a specially-designed cognition task to assess the visual working memory and processing speed of the babies.

The findings highlight the importance of addressing air pollution to protect the long-term brain development of children.

Efforts to improve air quality tend to have positive impacts on infants' cognitive abilities, leading to better productivity.

Why is it so important

The study underscores the need for global initiatives to tackle air pollution and its harmful effects on children's health and development.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Where the information comes from
  2. How scientists got their information
  3. Why is it so important