

People don't always eat just because they're hungry - then tend to overeat just because they're stressed or bored. Also, it's sometimes hard to understand how much you should actually eat, especially when everything is so delicious.

Kate Yakimchuk food dieting size nutrition Cooking 15 November 2023

Salad is often seen as the healthiest meal option you can cook, which it is - but it also depends on the ingredients and portion size. We all have different body constitutions and needs, so how can you pick a perfect portion for everyone?

Kate Yakimchuk salad cooking tips Cooking 25 October 2023

It's always tempting to use lots of sauce, especially if you really love sauces. The amount of sauce you should use for one portion depends on the type of sauce, the dish you're preparing, personal preference, and dietary considerations. 

Kate Yakimchuk food sauce Cooking 7 August 2023

The ideal portion of white meat for an adult person can vary based on several factors, including individual dietary needs, activity levels, and overall health goals.  White meat generally refers to leaner meats such as poultry, like chicken or turkey, and some types of fish, which are lower in fat compared to red meats like beef or pork.

Kate Yakimchuk meat poultry health dieting Cooking 27 July 2023