Who shouldn't eat tomatoes: Side Effects Of Eating Tomatoes

06.05.2024 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:20

While tomatoes are a staple in many diets, it's important to be aware of the possible negative consequences of consuming them in large quantities.

Here are the key points to consider

Tomatoes' natural acidity can cause heartburn or acid reflux, especially if you're prone to digestive issues or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

High potassium content in tomatoes can be problematic for those with advanced chronic kidney disease.

Excessive oxalates may also contribute to kidney complications.

The skins and seeds of tomatoes might aggravate IBS symptoms, leading to discomfort and bloating.


Tomatoes contain solanine, an alkaloid that can accumulate calcium in tissues and cause joint inflammation and pain.

Histamine in tomatoes can trigger allergic responses, including skin rashes, swelling, and respiratory issues.  

Consuming more than 75 mg of lycopene daily can cause a skin condition known as lycopenodermia, characterized by skin discoloration.

It's advisable to enjoy tomatoes in moderation to avoid these potential health issues.

If you have any specific health concerns, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource