What factors influence the rate of weight loss: commentary from an endocrinologist

17.02.2024 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Various factors can influence weight loss.

In this article, you will learn what is important to know if you decide to lose weight.

What factors influence weight

Weight depends on hereditary predisposition, age, gender, lifestyle, eating habits, quality of sleep, work.

Weight changes, either up or down, can cause a number of negative health effects.

Obesity and underweight increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.



Successful weight loss is influenced by your lifestyle. This includes the foods and drinks you consume, as well as your physical activity every day.

If a person takes in more calories from food or drink than they burn during the day, the body may store some of those extra calories as fat.

A lifestyle that can lead to weight gain includes: sedentary everyday life, high-calorie and junk food, fast food, and not enough water per day.

What to eat to lose weight quickly

To lose weight, experts recommend eating fish, rice, quinoa, chicken, dried fruits, lamb and rabbit meat, fresh vegetables, whole grain and rye bread, as well as seafood and foods rich in fiber.

You can eat as many vegetables as you like, except potatoes.

Nevertheless, you should not eat corn and green peas.

It is also necessary to replace sweets with fruits and berries.

Previously, we talked about how to gain muscle mass through diet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What factors influence weight
  2. Lifestyle
  3. What to eat to lose weight quickly