Protein can help to fight female obesity: A new study on mice and high-protein diets

18.09.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Scientists try their best to find solutions that can help people with obesity to become healthier.

More than 30% of American adults are now considered obese, and this is a concern because it increases the risk of various diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and even COVID-19.

Let's find out more about what they've discovered.

Studying mice and protein diets

Researchers employed a mouse model to investigate obesity resulting from a high-fat diet.

In their findings, they observed that female mice possess a built-in defense mechanism against obesity and inflammation due to their higher production of a protective immune protein known as RELMalpha when compared to their male counterparts.

protein meal

RELMalpha is a protein with immune-boosting properties that aids the body in combatting diseases and inflammation.

This protein plays a role in controlling two distinct types of immune cells: one that targets inflammation and another known as eosinophils.

These cells can be harmful when not fighting an infection, but RELMalpha helps keep them in check.

In contrast, male mice produced less RELMalpha, had fewer eosinophils, and had immune cells that promoted obesity.

When the scientists removed RELMalpha from female mice, they lost their protection against obesity and developed inflammation like male mice.

However, they found that by giving female mice more eosinophils or adding RELMalpha, they could reduce obesity, which suggests potential treatments.

Why it's important

This research is essential because it shows how a specific protein pathway in females can protect against obesity. It also emphasizes the importance of considering gender differences in addressing metabolic diseases like obesity.

Understanding these pathways could lead to new ways to combat obesity in the future.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Studying mice and protein diets
  2. Why it's important