Perfect minced meat for cutlets: Cooking tips

23.11.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

When cooking cutlets, you should use good minced meat - that's the basic thing that can make them tasty.

If you don't make minced meat by yourself, then you can always buy it - but how to choose the best meat?

These tips can help you.

Look for Lean Meat

Choose meat that doesn't have too much fat. Lean meat is better for cutlets because it helps them stay firm and not too greasy.

Mix of Meat

Sometimes, using a mix of meats can make your cutlets more flavorful. You can try combining beef with pork or chicken with turkey.


Freshness Matters

Make sure the meat is fresh. Check the color – it should be bright and not gray. If it smells bad, it's not fresh.

Check the Fat Content

Too much fat can make your cutlets too oily. Look for meat with a reasonable amount of fat. Around 80-85% lean meat is a good balance.

Ask Your Butcher

Don't hesitate to ask your butcher for advice. They can help you choose the right meat and might even recommend a special blend.

Ground at the Right Time

If possible, ask your butcher to grind the meat for you just before you buy it. This ensures freshness and better flavor.

Consider the Cut

Different cuts of meat have different flavors. For example, ground chuck is flavorful, while ground sirloin is leaner. 

Choose based on your taste preferences.

Read Labels

If you're buying packaged ground meat, check the labels. Make sure it doesn't have additives or preservatives.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Look for Lean Meat
  2. Mix of Meat
  3. Freshness Matters
  4. Check the Fat Content
  5. Ask Your Butcher
  6. Ground at the Right Time
  7. Consider the Cut
  8. Read Labels