One-pot cooking rules: Cooking tips

25.11.2023 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

One-pot cooking is one of the easiest ways to cook amazing meals quickly.

All ingredients boiling together infuse each other with flavor, making your meals absolutely delicious.

Here are a few tips on how to use that cooking method effectively.

Pot Selection

Choose a pot that is large enough to hold all your ingredients comfortably. 

A wider pot with higher sides works well for one-pot meals. Ensure it has a lid for covering during cooking.


Prepare Ingredients

Before you start cooking, chop, slice, or dice all your ingredients. This makes the cooking process smoother and more organized.

Layering or Sequencing

Arrange your ingredients in the pot thoughtfully. Start with the ones that take longer to cook at the bottom. 

For example, root vegetables or meat can go first, followed by quicker-cooking items like grains or leafy greens on top.

Add Sufficient Liquid

Pour in enough liquid, such as broth, water, or sauce, to cover the ingredients. This ensures even cooking and creates a flavorful sauce. 

The liquid should be about one or two inches above the ingredients.


Add your choice of herbs, spices, salt, and pepper to enhance the flavors. Consider using fresh herbs for a burst of freshness.

Cover and Simmer

Place the lid on the pot. Allow the ingredients to simmer over low to medium heat. Simmering slowly melds the flavors and ensures thorough cooking.

Occasional Stirring

Give your one-pot creation a gentle stir from time to time. This prevents sticking and helps distribute flavors evenly.

Check for Doneness

Use a fork, knife, or even a thermometer to check if the ingredients are cooked to your liking. 

Vegetables should be tender, and meat should reach a safe internal temperature.

Adjust Seasoning

Taste your dish and adjust the seasoning if needed. You can add more salt, pepper, or other herbs to suit your preference.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Pot Selection
  2. Prepare Ingredients
  3. Layering or Sequencing
  4. Add Sufficient Liquid
  5. Seasoning
  6. Cover and Simmer
  7. Occasional Stirring
  8. Check for Doneness
  9. Adjust Seasoning