Jerusalem artichoke: Health benefits - You didn't know about it

01.02.2024 17:19
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Jerusalem artichoke is a medicinal plant.

First of all, it is valued for its high content of inulin (a sugar substitute for diabetics) and a complex of vitamins and microelements. 

What are the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a rich source of pectin, fiber, and organic acids.

Jerusalem artichoke is especially useful for people with diabetes.

The root vegetable is rich in inulin, a natural analogue of insulin.


By regularly consuming the tubers, raw or fried, you can significantly reduce your sugar levels.

Doctors recommend this product to patients with gout, kidney disease, anemia, and salt deposits.

Jerusalem artichoke can be used in a variety of dishes, including salads, soups, purees and casseroles.

Jerusalem artichoke can also be eaten raw, added to juices, or used to make drinks.

In what form is it better to eat Jerusalem artichoke

It is recommended to consume about 100 grams of raw pear tubers daily, for example in the form of a salad.

Jerusalem artichoke can be used as an alternative to potatoes, adding it to soups or main courses.

Consuming larger quantities may provoke increased gas formation in the intestines.

We previously talked about the benefits of honey.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke
  2. In what form is it better to eat Jerusalem artichoke