Hamburger cooking mistakes: That's why your home-made burgers don't taste as good as they can

25.06.2023 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Home-made dishes can be way better than their take-away versions, but only if you cook them right.

Burgers are no exception - you can make them at home, and they will taste amazing, just don't make a few popular mistakes.

Here are some of them.

Overhandling the Meat

It's important to handle the meat very gently and only mix it enough to mix the ingredients.

Mixing too much can lead to compacted patties that lack a tender texture.


Using meat that is too lean

Using burger meat with too little fat content can result in a dry and tasteless dish.

Try using around 4/1 (regular meat to fat) for especially juicy and flavorful burgers.

Pressing Down too much

Don't press your meat with a spatula while cooking.

Otherwise, the juices will be squeezed out, and your meat will become dry.

Let the patties cook undisturbed, and also flip them only once.

Cooking at Incorrect Temperatures

Cooking burgers at too high a heat can lead to charred exteriors and undercooked interiors.

Conversely, cooking at low heat for too long can dry out the burgers.

Overcooking the Burgers

The internal temperature of a properly cooked burger meat should reach 160F (71C) for medium doneness.

Neglecting Resting Time

Allow the cooked burgers to rest for a few minutes before serving.

Not Toasting the Buns

Neglecting to toast the buns can lead to a soggy texture and compromise the overall taste.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overhandling the Meat
  2. Using meat that is too lean
  3. Pressing Down too much
  4. Cooking at Incorrect Temperatures
  5. Overcooking the Burgers
  6. Neglecting Resting Time
  7. Not Toasting the Buns