Dough that's hard to make at home: Cooking tips

13.10.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you love baking, then you probably know lots of dough recipes that you can make easily and relatively quickly.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of types of delicious dough that are relatively hard to make at home, so it's easier to buy them.

Here are a few examples of dough recipes that are easier to buy than to make.

Puff Pastry Dough

Making puff pastry dough from scratch is challenging because it involves a lot of layers and requires precise rolling and folding. 

It's often easier to buy frozen puff pastry.


Phyllo Dough

Phyllo dough is very thin and delicate, making it hard to work with. You need to be skilled at stretching it without tearing, which can be difficult.


Sourdough bread dough is tricky because it involves a natural fermentation process using wild yeast. 

Maintaining a sourdough starter and getting the right texture and flavor can be challenging.

Croissant Dough

Croissant dough is time-consuming and involves multiple steps of rolling and folding. Achieving those flaky layers is a bit complex for beginners.

Filo Dough

Similar to phyllo dough, filo dough is extremely thin and delicate. Handling it without tearing takes practice.


While these dough types can be challenging, with practice and patience, you can certainly try making them at home. 

However, they may not turn out as perfect as store-bought versions, especially when you're just starting out.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Puff Pastry Dough
  2. Phyllo Dough
  3. Sourdough
  4. Croissant Dough
  5. Filo Dough
  6. Conclusion