Don't store different kinds of cheese together: Food storage tips

17.11.2023 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

There are plenty of kinds of cheese you can find these days - it's like a true haven for foodies!

Meanwhile, if you buy different kinds of cheese, then you should know how you should and shouldn't store it to keep it fresh for a long time.

Here is why you can't store all kinds of cheese in just one bag.

Flavor Contamination

Each cheese has its own distinct flavor profile, which is part of what makes it delicious. 

When different cheeses are stored together, especially if they are particularly pungent or strongly flavored, their tastes can intermingle. 


This can result in a loss of the unique and individual characteristics that make each cheese special. 

For example, a milder cheese might absorb the strong flavors of a more robust cheese, affecting its intended taste.

Aroma Transfer

Cheese is not just about taste; it's also about aroma. 

Different cheeses emit various scents, and these can easily transfer between cheeses if stored together. 

The result may be a mixture of smells that doesn't align with the intended aroma of each cheese. 

For instance, a delicate brie could end up smelling like a more potent blue cheese if stored in close proximity.

Texture Issues

Cheeses come in various textures, ranging from soft and creamy to hard and crumbly. 

Storing different cheeses together without proper separation can lead to texture changes. 

Softer cheeses might get squished by harder ones, impacting their intended consistency. 

This is particularly crucial for cheeses that rely on their texture for a satisfying eating experience.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Flavor Contamination
  2. Aroma Transfer
  3. Texture Issues