Cooking tips: Desserts that are the hardest to cook at home

17.01.2024 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

A skilled and experienced cook can create lots of amazing dishes, including delicious and intricate desserts.

Meanwhile, some desserts are way harder to cook than others, and only professionals can do it perfectly.

Here are a few examples of desserts that are clearly not for newbies.


Soufflés are delicate and airy desserts that can collapse easily if not prepared correctly. 

They require precise measurements, careful folding of ingredients, and precise baking to achieve the desired light and fluffy texture.



Making croissants from scratch involves a lengthy and intricate process. 

It requires laminating layers of butter and dough, which can be time-consuming and requires practice to get the flaky and buttery results.


Macarons are notoriously finicky due to their delicate meringue-like shells. 

Achieving the perfect texture and getting the right "feet" (the characteristic ruffled edge) can be challenging. 

Factors like humidity, oven temperature, and proper macaronage technique (mixing the batter) can greatly influence the outcome.

Baked Alaska

Baked Alaska is an impressive dessert that combines ice cream, cake, and meringue. 

The challenge lies in assembling and baking the dessert without melting the ice cream or overcooking the meringue.

Puff Pastry

Puff pastry is a labor-intensive dough that requires multiple layers of butter and dough to create flaky and buttery results. 

It involves precise rolling, folding, and chilling steps, which can be time-consuming and require patience.

Previously, we talked about yeast benefits.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Soufflés
  2. Croissants
  3. Macarons
  4. Baked Alaska
  5. Puff Pastry