Beyond the basics: Exploring unconventional kitchen tools and gadgets for culinary adventurers

27.06.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Modern guidelines teach us that "less is more" and "some kitchen gadgets are just useful", but that's boring!

Some fancy gadgets can really make your cooking more fun and varied, so consider using them.

Here are some examples.

Mandoline Slicer

This versatile tool allows you to slice fruits and vegetables with precision and consistency. 

With adjustable blades and various slicing options, a mandoline slicer can help you create beautiful, thin cuts for salads, gratins, and more. 

kitchen utensils

Immersion Circulator

This gadget ensures precise temperature control, allowing you to achieve perfectly cooked meats, tender vegetables, and flavorful infusions. 

The immersion circulator is a game-changer for those who enjoy the art of slow cooking and want to elevate their dishes.


If you're looking for a fun and healthy way to incorporate more vegetables into your meals, a spiralizer is the tool for you. 

This handy gadget can transform zucchini, carrots, and other veggies into noodles or spirals, giving you endless possibilities for creative and nutritious dishes. 


Not just for crème brûlée, a blowtorch can be a versatile tool in the kitchen. 

It can quickly and precisely caramelize sugars, roast peppers, char vegetables, or even add a finishing touch to grilled meats. 

With its high heat intensity and precise control, a blowtorch is a fun and unconventional addition to your culinary arsenal.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Mandoline Slicer
  2. Immersion Circulator
  3. Spiralizer
  4. Blowtorch