Professional Designer Recommendations: What Wall Color to Choose for Your Home Office

07.07.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Colors have a strong influence on well-being, mood and even human performance. In the article we will tell you what colors and shades are suitable for the office so that the work is pleasant and productive.

What interior colors are suitable for the office

In the ranking of the most successful colors for the office, blue confidently shares the first place with green. It helps not to lose concentration and, like green, does not tire. For everyone who has to work with numbers or small details, this is exactly what you need.

Cold colors have a calming effect on the human psyche. They soothe, balance and make it possible to maintain a workable mood for a longer time.

Blue is considered the most productive color. It has a good effect on the work of accountants and IT developers. It is also used to manage stress. For example, decorating an office in blue with a hint of orange will make the atmosphere more lively and emotional, which will have a good effect on productivity.

Dark colors visually reduce the space. Light colors make it wider and lighter. In spacious options, matte tones look good, which smooth out the breadth and volume. But for modest cabinets, glossy surfaces that reflect light are well suited.

Photo: Pixabay

What color improves performance

So, the combination of red and blue-green color stimulates overall performance. Yellow or yellow-green with orange relieve mental fatigue, and yellow separately promotes mental activity.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What interior colors are suitable for the office
  2. What color improves performance