Beige is better than white: Interior tips

01.10.2023 07:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Color plays a huge role in creating a perfect interior design that creates a very specific mood and atmosphere.

That's why most modern interior designers agree that beige interiors are better than white ones - they just feel differently.

Here are a few reasons why you should opt for beige colors more often.

Warmer Feel

Beige has a warmer and cozier feel compared to stark white. It can make your home feel more inviting and comfortable.

Less Clinical

White can sometimes feel too clinical or sterile, like a hospital. Beige adds warmth without feeling overly cold.

beige room

Hides Dirt

Beige is better at hiding dirt and minor stains than white. This means less frequent cleaning and maintenance.


Beige is a neutral color that goes well with various decor styles and colors. It's easier to match with furniture and accessories.

Reduced Glare

White walls can reflect a lot of light and create glare. Beige is gentler on the eyes and creates a softer ambiance.


Beige is a classic color that doesn't go out of style. It can give your home a timeless look that won't feel outdated quickly.


White interiors might be extremely trendy now, but beige colors are more versatile and generally timeless - so it's always a great interior choice!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Warmer Feel
  2. Less Clinical
  3. Hides Dirt
  4. Versatile
  5. Reduced Glare
  6. Timeless
  7. Conclusion